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Regulate gambling or lose the income

The world’s largest computer facilities for online gaming are located inCanada and are nicknamed MIT. This doesn’t stand for the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology: It stands for the Mohawk Institute of Technology.That is because this gigantic “server park” — which drives many of theonline gambling sites — is inside the Mohawk First Nations Reserve, alsoknown as […]

Thousands call gambling helpline for lotto results

The 1-800 hotline established to help Ontario’s addicted gamblers is beinginundated with thousands of calls from people looking for winning lotterynumbers, prompting the government to rethink the way it advertises thetelephone number. Figures obtained by the Citizen show that the number of“misdirected” phone calls to Ontario’s Problem Gambling Helpline hasskyrocketed since its inception in 1997, […]

Time for gambling execs to shut the door on the US.

A number of gambling industry executives have suggested that they willexploit exemption clauses contained within the Unlawful Internet GamblingEnforcement Act of 2006 – keeping open their principal US facing websites,but retuning them towards skill based games. One has even gone as far as tosuggest that his company will seek to offer online poker within stateboundaries. […]

US Anti-Gambling Law Does Not Respect WTO Ruling

If the law that is planned to be signed by United States President, GeorgeW. Bush, on Friday is actually signed and enforced, it would be a directspitting in the face of the United States to the World Trade Organization.The WTO claims that the exemptions in the US Internet Gambling ProhibitionBill for horse racing and state […]

Legalized Casino Gambling on the Ballot in Ohio

This November in Ohio, voters will be asked whether or not to legalizecasino gambling and use percentages of the tax revenue from “games ofchance” to assist students with college tuition. If approved, the plan wouldlegalize casino gambling at 7 racetracks across Ohio as well as 2 casinos inCleveland. Very similar to the legislation voted on […]

N.S. leads way with Net Nanny software

Nova Scotia is taking on a leadership role that may help stop problemgambling before it starts. The province has helped develop software thatprevents children from surfing their way on to gaming websites. As many as500 families across Nova Scotia will be able to try out the product forfree. “It’s Internet-blocking software that’s specially designed to […]

Namibia: Gambling With Public Funds

Recently, the Governor of the Hardap Region was quoted in the media asreading the Riot Act to local and regional authorities in her region. Shouldone join her or not in her crusade at this juncture? I am not quite sure.Hold on, don’t jump to conclusions! Lest you misunderstand me I am notsaying our local and […]

WPT Enterprises, Inc.’s response to the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

WPT Enterprises, Inc. the company that helped launch the current globalpoker boom, issued a statement today encouraging the U.S. poker community tofocus on the bright future ahead in the wake of Congressional passage of the“Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006.” “The JusticeDepartment has been very clear that it believes online gaming to be illegalin […]

Stakes raised for pub operators under new gambling regime

Pub owners will be able to raise the pay-out limit on fruit machines,following a concession from the Government. The Department for Culture,Media and Sport (DCMS) has given the go-ahead to increase pay-out limits onfruit machines from £25 to £35, ahead of the Gambling Act next September.DCMS announced the measure in response to lobbying from the […]

Problem gambling increasing Proximity of gaming means more people partaking: study

The rate of problem gambling in Surrey and Langley rose in 2005 after thearrival of casino gaming here. That’s among the first-year findings of amulti-year study conducted for the provincial government into thesocio-economic impacts of casinos in the Lower Mainland. It’s tracing theeffects on residents of the spring 2005 opening of Langley Cascades casinoand slot […]


With the initial panic over last weekend’s rushed US Congress action againstonline gambling dying down, operational companies are starting to look moreobjectively at the practical implications of this essentially financialrestrictive US proposal. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Prohibition Actcontains no provisions that would make it illegal for a person located inthe U.S. to place a bet […]

CasinoBlasters response to the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

You are no doubt aware of the recent passing of the Federal UnlawfulGambling Enforcement Act in the US. As a result of this act, Casino Blastersis in the process of consulting legal counsel, but until further notice itis business as usual. All affiliates will receive payment for traffic. Formore information, please feel free to contact […]

Frist Writes to Southern Baptists About Internet Gambling

“The new law passed because members of the pro-family movement — includinga great many Southern Baptists — brought the issue to the attention of bothDemocrats and Republicans,” Bill Frist says in a letter to the SouthernBaptists, a minority group not representative of all, or even a majority, ofcitizens of the United States of America. In […]

Nova Scotia testing gambling blocker software

The Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation is looking for families to test a newcomputer program for blocking online gambling sites. The corporation saidthe new software program, called Betstopper, is supposed to block more than94 per cent of online gambling sites. The province wants 500 families totest the product in their homes. As many as six per […]