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Success for ‘one-stop’ gambling program

A “one-stop shop” treating problem gamblers in Sydney is reporting a 50 percent success rate. Run by The Salvation Army in cooperation with theFairfield RSL club in Sydney’s south-west, The Sydney Problem GamblingCentre opened in October last year. In its first annual report, publishedtoday, the centre said it had answered 400 telephone inquiries and conducted561 […]

Internet gambling group in administration

Antigua-based World Gaming, the online gambling group, has gone intoadministration, just before a law that would bar it operating in the US wasdue to be passed. The company had its shares suspended on the AlternativeInvestment Market and four of its top directors, including chief financialofficer David Naismith, and chief executive Daniel Moran, have resigned. USbusiness […]

Online Gambling Giants Relegated on UK Stock Exchange

Online gambling companies PartyGaming and 888 have both been demoted onprestigious FTSE stock indexes in the UK, following the unexpected passingthrough the Senate of a US bill which aims to make it illegal for US bankinginstitutions to process transactions to online gambling companies. PresidentBush signed the bill into law on Friday, and publicly-listed companiesPartyGaming and […]

Fraud study links gambling and fraud

Fraud study links gambling and fraud “Gambling is increasingly a majormotivator for serious fraud,” says John Stansfield, CEO of the ProblemGambling Foundation of New Zealand (PGF). “Since the last KPMG Fraud Surveyin 2004, there has been a 60% increase in the amount of New Zealand fraudthat was motivated by gambling. The 2004 study found that […]

Missouri’s loss limit unique among gambling states

Every state with sanctioned casinos has a program in force to allow citizensto self-exclude themselves if they feel gambling is or has become a problemfor them.Stiff criminal penalties are enforced in a majority of cases for people whobreak their self-imposed curfews by entering a casino illegally. Casinos intheir advertising and via in-house signage and literature […]

Gambling Online Becomes More Difficult

The port security bill that President Bush signed Friday included aprovision severely restricting internet gambling. The law forbids Americanbanks and credit card companies from processing online bets. It’s been toughto enforce, but lawmakers say the new provision will take a big chunk out ofthe soaring Internet gambling industry. Americans account for half theonline gambling market. […]

Senate race plays on gambling

Barry Metcalf won’t give odds on his chances of winning a state Senate seatNov. 7. But the Republican thinks his strong opposition to expanded gamblingprovides him “a great shot” of defeating Democratic incumbent Ed Worley.Metcalf, who lost to Worley by 1,901 votes for the 34th Senate district seatfour years ago, has tried to make gambling […]

Gamingking says chief executive resigns

Gamingking PLC, a provider of online gambling services, said Monday thatNicholas Watkins resigned as chief executive. Watkins is the latestexecutive of a British online gambling company to resign his role afterCongress introduced legislation to ban Internet gambling in the UnitedStates. Sportingbet PLC Chairman Peter Dicks resigned last month after beingdetained at New York’s JFK Airport […]

Harrison asked to give unto Caesars

While mapping plans for a multimillion-dollar expansion, Caesars casinoexecutives have begun laying groundwork for the local government in HarrisonCounty to share some of the project’s costs. Caesars general manager EdGarruto approached Harrison commissioners last summer about having thecounty pay several million dollars toward the improvements. The paymentslikely would come from about $10 million in profit-sharing […]

Pathological gamblers need help

I am a pathological gambler. You may not recognize me as such, but I may beyour co-worker, teammate, close relative or dear friend. My doctor hasdiagnosed my problem based on the following criteria set by the AmericanPsychiatric Association. Preoccupation: I am preoccupied with gambling,reliving past gambling experiences, planning my next gambling venture, orthinking of ways […]

Does Hayward card club have an ace up its sleeve?

Gambling has been a big part of this area’s history, at least since the dayswhen 19th century landholder Don Guillermo Castro lost most of his 22,000rural acres – including today’s downtown Hayward – gambling. All thatremains today of the city’s high-stakes past is the Palace Card Club, adowntown poker den that some consider a beloved […]

Betonsports, Prosecutors Strike Tentative Deal, Lawyers Say

Betonsports Plc., the British Internet bookmaker indicted in the U.S. forillegal gambling, has reached a preliminary deal with prosecutors to end acivil suit seeking to ban the company from doing business in the U.S. U.S.District Judge Carol Jackson in St. Louis granted the parties one week tocomplete what Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Fagan said was […]

Pa. bill would have casinos making statement

At 32 years old, Bill Kearney was a self-made millionaire who had overcomethe limits of his ninth-grade education to own a thriving business. At 33,his life began to disintegrate. He was a compulsive gambler who was well onhis way to losing his wealth, his drapery manufacturing business inPhiladelphia and his marriage. “I was using every […]