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Alcohol board rebukes bars with gambling violations

Bar owners heard the message over and over at recent liquor license renewalhearings: Gambling violations will not be tolerated by members of the St.Joseph County board of the state Alcohol and Tobacco Commission. Neitherwill multiple violations. The local board did not deny any permit renewalsWednesday, but board President Mike Pajakowski and Secretary Curtis Woolleyissued stern […]

Sinajana leaders snub Prop “B”, but allow gambling at village fiesta

Some would agree that certain types of gambling activities on Guam is partof the local culture. Also, during village fiestas gambling activities areallowed, but has to go through an approval process, just like this weekend’sSinajana fiesta. But what some may find sort of ironic is that thevice-mayor of the central island village is part of […]

New law wounds Internet gambling

Gamblers may look over their shoulder now, but experts say a newInternet-gambling ban won’t keep bettors from ponying up, just turn them onto overseas payment services out of the law’s reach. “It has put a terriblescare into people,” said I. Nelson Rose, who teaches gambling law atWhittier Law School. “But it won’t by any means […]

New law wounds Internet gambling

Gamblers may look over their shoulder now, but experts say a newInternet-gambling ban won’t keep bettors from ponying up, just turn them onto overseas payment services out of the law’s reach. “It has put a terriblescare into people,” said I. Nelson Rose, who teaches gambling law atWhittier Law School. “But it won’t by any means […]

Why pick on Internet gambling?

Here in THE U.S., it’s OK to bet on horses, play Lotto, gamble at Indiancasinos, wager in Atlantic City. And in Las Vegas, it’s virtually apatriotic duty to gamble. In all, you can legally bet in 46 of 50 states,but not over the Internet. Online gambling is illegal. Although the onlineside of the business, while […]

City officials ignore facts about casino gambling

Two days after the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling RegionalConference occurred here, I saw Seneca Nation President Barry Snyder, MayorByron Brown and Seneca Gaming Corp. officials on public access TV replayingthe Fulton Street sale approval announcement and predicting “development,waterfront connectedness, millions of tourists” and other such misleadingsound bites. This offensive and private press staging did […]

Why pick on Internet gambling?

Here in THE U.S., it’s OK to bet on horses, play Lotto, gamble at Indiancasinos, wager in Atlantic City. And in Las Vegas, it’s virtually apatriotic duty to gamble. In all, you can legally bet in 46 of 50 states,but not over the Internet. Online gambling is illegal. Although the onlineside of the business, while […]

New law wounds Internet gambling

Gamblers may look over their shoulder now, but experts say a newInternet-gambling ban won’t keep bettors from ponying up, just turn them onto overseas payment services out of the law’s reach. “It has put a terriblescare into people,” said I. Nelson Rose, who teaches gambling law atWhittier Law School. “But it won’t by any means […]

Why pick on Internet gambling?

Here in THE U.S., it’s OK to bet on horses, play Lotto, gamble at Indiancasinos, wager in Atlantic City. And in Las Vegas, it’s virtually apatriotic duty to gamble. In all, you can legally bet in 46 of 50 states,but not over the Internet. Online gambling is illegal. Although the onlineside of the business, while […]

Britain attacks US online gambling ban

Britain’s culture secretary on Friday compared the United States crackdownon online gambling to the failed alcohol ban of the Prohibition as sheprepared to host an international summit on Internet gambling next week.Tessa Jowell warned that the U.S. ban on Internet gambling would makeunregulated offshore sites the “modern equivalent of speakeasies,” illegalbars that opened in 1920s […]

City officials ignore facts about casino gambling

Two days after the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling RegionalConference occurred here, I saw Seneca Nation President Barry Snyder, MayorByron Brown and Seneca Gaming Corp. officials on public access TV replayingthe Fulton Street sale approval announcement and predicting “development,waterfront connectedness, millions of tourists” and other such misleadingsound bites. This offensive and private press staging did […]

Zayco kin gets 6 years

An alleged maintainer of an illegal gambling outfit codenamed “Ching”, whois a relative of top government officials in Negros Occidental, wassentenced yesterday to a maximum six-year imprisonment term after he pleadedguilty for violating Republic Act 9287, also known as the amendedanti-illegal gambling law. Meted such penalty by Kabankalan Regional TrialCourt Judge Henry Arles after having […]

Vegas gambling giant places bets on Britain

THE biggest bets in Las Vegas take place behind closed doors. In the privatehigh-rollers’ suites, punters bet $1m a hand on blackjack while sipping$5,000-a- bottle cognac. This month the biggest bet in town is being madeaway from the slot machines and roulette wheels. It is being placed on theboardroom table, not the card table; and […]

Online Gambling and Online Poker Players- Its Pay Back Time Kyl!

A growing initiative to unseat Kyl from his comfortable Senate appointment.Kyl reportedly has ambitions to become the Republican majority leader in theSenate following Senator Bill Frist’s departure Both Republicans played amajor role in ramming the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act throughCongress in the closing minutes of the pre-election session, angeringmillions of Americans who regard online […]