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Philadelphia wins final OK for casino gambling

Pennsylvania gambling regulators cleared the way Wednesday for Philadelphiato become the nation’s largest city with a casino, while rejecting DonaldTrump’s bid for a slot-machine parlor and plans for another casino near theGettysburg battlefield. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board chose fromamong 13 groups of casino giants, politically connected investors,celebrities and nationally known developers when it awarded […]

The highs and lows of online gambling

Online gambling continued its rise in 2006 despite some tough decisions bythe US government to restrict the practice in America. Major sporting eventssuch as the World Cup pushed traffic on gambling sites even higher, withresearch group Nielsen//NetRatings claiming that more than one million UKpunters went online on the first Saturday of the competition to read […] Bowl Joins Gambling Bonanza

December and January are Arnie Wexler’s busiest times. Four more bowl games,including the Bowl, increase the angst for Wexler, arecovering compulsive gambler in New Jersey who works with addicts. “When Istopped in 1968, all of the games were on Jan. 1,” Wexler said. “Now they’reall spread out. It’s not good for the gamblers. As […]

Gambling addict robbed bank in hopes police would kill her

A Truro woman was in such despair over her gambling addiction that sherobbed an Amherst bank in September hoping police would shoot her dead. “Ithought death was my only option,” a sobbing Margaret Alice Baldwin saidTuesday in Amherst provincial court before Judge Carole Beaton sentenced herto 59 months in prison for robbing the Scotiabank branch […]

Auditor vows to be gambling watchdog

A dispute might be brewing among state regulators over who will overseePennsylvania’s multibillion-dollar casino industry. Auditor General JackWagner on Tuesday told the Gaming Control Board he intends to be the “fiscalwatchdog of gaming operations and related state programs.” As the boardprepared to vote today on awarding 11 slot machine casino licensesstatewide, Wagner said he plans […]

Gambling Critic Won Thousands

A recently appointed member of the Pennsylvania gaming board was a longtimecritic of gambling when he was a legislator but he has won thousands ofdollars at casinos, a newspaper reported Sunday. Former state Rep. MarkMcNaughton voted against the state’s slot machine law in 2004 and opposedgambling for years before that, but at the same time […]

Internet Gambling and Las Vegas to Play Prominent Role in ’08 Elections Caucus

Forget Hillary vs. Obama. There’s another question in the Democraticpresidential race: Does what happens in Vegas really stay there, or can SinCity set the course for the nation? Nevada has a new prominence in decidingthe party’s next nominee. It will hold an early caucus January 19, 2008,sandwiched between Iowa and New Hampshire. The prized position […]

National Council on Problem Gambling Head on PocketFives Podcast

“Problem gambling is gambling behavior which causes disruptions in any majorarea of life: psychological, physical, social or vocational. The term“Problem Gambling” includes… “Pathological”, or “Compulsive” Gambling, aprogressive addiction characterized by increasing preoccupation withgambling, a need to bet more money more frequently, restlessness orirritability when attempting to stop, ‘chasing’ losses, and loss of controlmanifested by continuation […]

Long Time Gambling Critic Won Thousands At Slots

A recently appointed member of the Pennsylvania gaming board was a longtimecritic of gambling when he was a legislator but he has won thousands ofdollars at casinos, a newspaper reported Sunday. Former state Rep. MarkMcNaughton voted against the state’s slot machine law in 2004 and opposedgambling for years before that, but at the same time […]

Philly to be largest gambling city

Visitors come here to see just one bell – the Liberty Bell. Soon they’ll belooking for a row of them – on a slot machine. Pennsylvania’s 2-year-oldstate gaming board is to award licenses Wednesday for two slot machinecasinos to be built here. That will make Philadelphia the largest city inthe country with casinos and put […]

Cash needed to tackle gambling

ILLEGAL gambling dens could spread in Redbridge unless the council gets moremoney to deal with the problem. Community protection officer, Alan Drake,fears the council will be unable to carry out its new licensing andenforcement responsibilities under the Gambling Act 2005, unless proposedfunding levels are increased.He said: “We aren’t currently equipped to enforce the legislation under […]

Venues to lose pokies in gambling crackdown

The Victorian Government has announced which gaming venues are to lose pokermachines under its plan to cap machine numbers in 19 Victorian regions. TheGovernment promised to move 543 gaming machines during the election campaignand they will come from venues in Dandenong, Hume, Latrobe, Maribyrnong,Monash and Warrnambool. Some clubs will lose only one or two machines […]

Bingo parlor probed for gambling

Kannapolis bingo parlor is under investigation for illegal gambling after asearch by the North Carolina Alcohol and Law Enforcement agency. The RowanREACT Team Bingo at 1912 N. Main St. was investigated by officers Dec. 9.Officers collected evidence from the game. The operators, Cherry and BobbySnipes, were ticketed for gambling, according to Rowan County Department ofJustice […]


Would-be online gambling advertisers in the Ontario province of Canada willneed to update their knowledge on what is and is not permitted following thepassage of a consumer protection bill containing advertising restrictions,which was passed by the provincial legislature this week. According to anassessment in News by Michael Geist, who holds the CanadaResearch Chair in […]