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Christchurch the ‘Gambling-related Crime Capital’

“Christchurch is off to a bad start in 2007, defending its dubious title asthe gambling-related crime capital of New Zealand,” says John Stansfield,CEO for the Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand (PGF). “Yet again, abusiness has been run to the ground and its customers left out of pocketbecause of a gambling problem,” says Mr Stansfield. […]

Gambling addict gets three years in Universal Bank swindle

gambling addict who swindled a Chicago bank out of millions of dollars tofeed his obsession and ended up driving it out of business was sentencedTuesday to more than three years in federal prison. Adam B. Resnick, 34, ofsuburban Buffalo Grove also was ordered by federal Judge Wayne R. Andersento pay $10.4 million in restitution for […]

Indiana Won’t Legalize Video Gambling

A key state lawmaker says he won’t push for legalization of video gamblingmachines this year. Fort Wayne Democratic Representative Win Moses saysregulating and taxing the state’s 20 to 30,000 illegal video gamblingmachines could bring the state 200 million dollars in tax revenue. TheIndiana Licensed Beverage Association has tried to drum up support for thelegalization of […]

Poker Club Manager Convicted Under U.K. Gambling Laws

The manager of a 23,000-member private card club in London was convictedtoday of violating Britain’s gambling laws after a jury decided poker is agame of chance, not pure skill. Derek Kelly argued that he didn’t need agambling license to take a share of profits from players at his club becausethe U.K.’s Gaming Act 1968 covers […]

Gambling addiction and its treatment within the NHS

This recommendation is part of a tough set of proposals aimed at helpinghealthcare professionals deal effectively with the growing problem ofgambling addiction in the UK. The report is timely given the 2005 GamblingAct is due to come into force this September. The new UK legislation willincrease gambling facilities and subsequently problem gambling may risetoo – […]

Neteller Execs Charged in Gambling Case

Two founders of a company that processes Internet gambling transactions werearrested and charged with funneling billions of US dollars in gamblingproceeds to overseas betting operations, federal prosecutors announcedTuesday. The charges mark the latest in a series of crackdowns by thefederal government against the online gambling industry. The charges againstthe former Neteller PLC directors, John David […]

Online Gambling: Feds detain NETeller Founders in US

NETeller Founders John Lefebvre and Steve Lawrence were detained in theUnited States on Monday, January 15th, 2006. The news of their detainment,which was originally reported by late Monday evening, sentshockwaves through the online gambling industry immediately. NETeller, basedout of the Isle of Man, is publicly traded on the London exchange (AIM) andstates on their […]


Despite the strengthening of legal barriers to its development in the US,prospects for the development of the global mobile gambling market remainstrong, according to Juniper Research. In new forecasts for the mobilegambling market, Juniper predicts that the global market for all forms ofmobile gambling (casinos, lotteries and sports betting) will grow from $1.35billion in 2006 […]

Online Casino Gambling Costing UK Companies

A new survey, commissioned by consultancy firm Morse, claims that onlinegambling while at work is costing English firms more than £300m every yearin lost productivity. The research reveals that 30 percent had used anonline casino, bought a lottery ticket or made a bet while on office time –or new someone who had. The survey suggested […]

Gambling firm founders held

The American authorities have swooped on the founding shareholders ofNETeller, the company which specialises in money transfers between onlinegambling sites and players. Stephen Lawrence and John Lefebvre, both formerdirectors of the firm, were detained in the US yesterday, while travellingseparately. NETeller called for a suspension of trading in its shares as itrevealed the shock development […]

The Bible does not ban gambling

The Kaieteur News article captioned “Govt MP blasts church on opposition to‘casino’ legislation” (Jan., 12, 2007) reported the Rev. Alphonso Porter assaying, “…the church was not against casino gambling from a theologicalstandpoint, but was against it on moral grounds and also based on studiesdone in other Third World countries.” If this is indeed what the […]

Probability launches mobile phone gambling service in SAfrica

AIM-listed mobile phone gambling specialist Probability PLC said it haslaunched a pilot of Lady Luck’s, its proprietary mobile phone gamblingservice, in South Africa following a successful technical and marketingtrial in 2006.The service offers South Africa’s 34 mln adult mobile phoneowners the ability to play the full range of Probability’s Bingo, Slots andCasino games including Roulette, […]

Indian casinos fuel a rise in gambling

Back in the early 1960s, no states ran lotteries, only one — Nevada —allowed casinos, and Indian tribes had yet to discover bingo or glitzycasino halls. Today, 42 states operate lotteries, 37 have commercial, Indianor racetrack casinos and only two — Utah and Hawaii — don’t allow any formof gambling. The gaming industry is a […]

Boom in mobile gambling

According to market analysts Juniper Research, the global market for allforms of mobile gambling (casinos, lotteries and sports betting) reachedmore than $1.35bn in 2006. Looking ahead, the firm expects the industry togrow by about 1130 per cent to $16.6bn by 2011. Report author Bruce Gibsonsaid: “We published our last full report on mobile gambling in […]