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Four Wall Street Firms Are The Latest Gambling Casualties

Four investment banks have been issued subpoenas in an investigation intothe multibillion-dollar online gambling industry. The Justice Department hasissued subpoenas to at least four Wall Street investment banks as part of awidening investigation into the multibillion-dollar online gamblingindustry, according to people briefed on the investigation. The subpoenaswere issued to firms that had underwritten the initial […]

Arrests for gambling surge, police report

While the number of drug arrests remained steady last year, Maui policereported a surge in gambling arrests, most involving cockfighting, in 2006.The total of 165 gambling arrests, which increased by 79 percent from 92arrests in 2005, was due largely to 155 cockfighting arrests last year,according to preliminary police statistics for 2006. At a Maui County […]

R.I. gambling numbers hit plateau

“Just a few years ago, a $240-million Powerball jackpot would have drawnlong lines at gas stations and convenience stores across the state. “Butyesterday there was little buzz. And forget about lines. “.Rhode Islanders’appetite for gambling has lowered. And we’re not alone. Elsewhere in theregion, sales of lottery tickets and other forms of gambling are either […]


Casino advertisements on the giant search engine Google could be a thing ofthe past following a decision by Google HQ currently being reported inmarketing media. The reason behind the decision is reportedly that Googleand its rival Yahoo! have allegedly been warned off by the US JusticeDepartment authorities for promoting gambling indirectly to an underageaudience through […]


A subsidiary of the online gambling software developer Playtech has signedwhat is described as “….a significant step” into the land based gamblingsector.Online gaming software firm Playtech said its subsidiary Videobet hassecured a long-term licensing contract with leading Mexican casino operator,Entretenimiento De Mexico. Under the terms of the three-year contract, EMexwill add Videobet’s server based gaming […]

Macao Surpasses Las Vegas as Gambling Center

Macao surpassed the Las Vegas Strip to become the world’s biggest gamblingcenter in 2006, measured by total gambling revenue, according to industryanalysts and government figures released today. In the eight years sinceMacao, a former Portuguese colony on the coast near Hong Kong, was returnedto Chinese control in 1999, it has experienced a huge boom in […]

Guyana Passes Hotel Gambling Bill

Guyana’s Parliament has approved limited casino gambling in some hotels thatare scheduled to open ahead of this year’s cricket World Cup. The proposal,which passed late Monday, prompted street marches last week by the politicalopposition and religious groups who argue it will encourage vice and providenew opportunities for organized crime. “We have been condemned but webelieve […]

Gambling Backers Want Trial Delay

Sponsors of a citizen initiative allowing slot machines in Broward andMiami-Dade counties Monday asked the Florida Supreme Court to delay a trialon a challenge to the state constitutional amendment until the justices ruleon related issues. Floridians for a Level Playing Field, the group thatsponsored the measure, argues the justices should block the trial until theyresolve […]

Problem gambling will increase, says ‘casino’ minister

A SHAKE-UP of gambling laws could increase problem gambling, the governmentminister in charge of the issue has conceded. The Gambling Act, which waspassed last year, relaxes some restrictions on the industry. For the firsttime, Las Vegas-style `supercasinos’ will be allowed in Britain. A decisionon the site of the first is due in the next week. […]

Net gambling case to court next month

A pair of Canadians accused of laundering billions of dollars in illegalonline gambling proceeds originating in the United States are expected toface a preliminary hearing in New York next month –the first step indetermining whether to proceed with formal charges. John Lefebvre andStephen Lawrence, both co-founders and ex-directors of Isle of Man-basedNETeller Plc, have each […]

Pica’s gambling trial rescheduled

A continuance was granted by Municipal Court Judge Timothy L. France for atrial against a local gas station/convenience store owner who was chargedwith allowing gambling. Rich Pica, owner of High Caliber Pit Stop onChestnut Street, was charged with the first-degree misdemeanor on Nov. 17,2006, after plugging in his six Ohio Skill Games’ Tic-Tac Fruit machines.Pica […]

Neteller Gambling Case To Go To Court Next Month

A pair of Canadians accused of laundering billions of dollars in illegalonline gambling proceeds originating in the United States are expected toface a preliminary hearing in New York next month –the first step indetermining whether to proceed with formal charges. John Lefebvre andStephen Lawrence, both co-founders and ex-directors of Isle of Man-basedNETeller Plc, have each […]

US Authorities Issue Subpoenas to UK Gambling IPO Backers

In their relentless pursuit of anybody and anything that was responsible forspreading online gambling in the United States, the US Department of Justiceis reported to have issued subpoenas to a number of high profile UKinvestment banks. The Financial Times reports that the subpoenas were issuedfrom October (after the passing of the Unlawful Internet GamblingEnforcement Act […]

Ladbrokes acquire Nordic gambling partner

Ladbrokes has acquired their Scandinavian online gambling partner SponsioLtd. in a deal potentially worth £40 million. Sponsio is an online gamblingcompany with a presence in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland and willplace Ladbrokes in a strong position within the Nordic region. Ladbrokes,who signed a partnership deal with the company back in 2001, have paid £36million […]