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WTO backs Antigua over US

The United States government has shown a chink in their armor during theirwar against online gambling. On Friday they admitted that the WTO had ruledagainst them in the most recent stage of their long standing dispute withAntigua. Gretchen Hamel, a spokeswoman for the US Trade Representative atthe WTO, said the interim report “did not agree […]

Internet Gambling: Washington State Looks to Amend Law

For nearly the past year, Washington State has made it a crime to gambleonline. In fact, doing so is considered a Class C felony, with a punishmentno different than that of child molestation and drug dealing. Until now thelaw has not been put into affect other than to harass one popular onlinegambling affiliate webmaster residing […]

Internet Gambling – Washington Gambling Law Challenged

Washington State Representative Chris Strow and his House Bill 1243, believethat online gambling in the United States should be legal in the privacy ofyour own home. In 2006, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act wassigned into law by President George Bush, which makes online gamblingconducted in the United States a Class C Felony. Chris Strow […]

Prosecutor denies favoritism, vows to open gambling-probe files

Outagamie County District Attorney Carrie Schneider is tired of rumors thatshe tabled a two-year-old gambling probe to protect families members.So she’s promising to file charges in the next 30 days in the case. She saysshe’ll also attach whatever information she has, to prove she has nothing tohide.The charges stem from a 2005 Super Bowl pool […]

More on organised gambling

am writing to express my thanks to Mr Peter Browne for his published letterentitled “Organised gambling will only create more poverty and crime.” Ifind his letter rather intriguing and needless to say I share most hisexpressed views on this issue. Incidentally, on the same day Mr HudsonGeorge’s letter (“Organised gambling can erase poverty”) was published; […]

Gambling Bill Set for House

Odds are this year’s table gambling bill will be introduced Tuesday in theWest Virginia House of Delegates. “We’ve got one pretty well put together,”said Delegate Randy Swartzmiller, D-Hancock, who is expected to introducethe bill. “It’s not out there together yet. We’re putting together the finaldetails.“I’d say Tuesday is pretty accurate.” The table gambling bill, if […]

WTO Adds Another Twist to Internet Gambling Roller Coaster Ride

Internet gambling has been on a roller coaster ride since the UnlawfulInternet Gambling Enforcement Act was passed back in October. The Netellerarrests last week and the following pull outs of all major third partybilling companies has seriously damaged the $12b a year industry. The rollercoaster ride got another twist as a result of the report […]

Now Labour wants to turn pubs into gambling dens

The historic ban on betting in pubs could be swept away after ministersannounced plans for a gambling free-for-all. Pubs, bars and clubs will beallowed to stage poker games without a gaming licence. The proposal wascondemned as an “atrocious” encouragement to problem gambling. Experts saidthe mix of drinking and betting would be disastrous. Golf clubs, politicalparties […]

Charges laid in illegal gambling investigation

Members of the Organized Crime Section, Illegal Gambling Unit with theassistance of Windsor Police Service executed a Criminal Code search warrantat Sai Gon Billiards located at 922 and 926 Wyandotte St. W. in the City ofWindsor on the 24th of Jan 2007. As a result, a number of individuals havebeen charged with illegal gambling offences. […]

Pet among teen’s gambling losses

Teenage gambling is a growing problem in Southwestern Ontario, a localexpert says. Though she didn’t have hard numbers available, Bonnie Orvidassaid it’s clear to everyone involved more young people are seeking addictiontreatment services. “It’s in the last two to three years that we have beenhearing from young people. Most of them are males,” said Orvidas, […]

Gambling on an addiction

The allure of gambling calls out to Matthew Bowles-Roth wherever he goes.When he drives on the freeway, casino billboards entice him with riches.When he buys cigarettes at the convenience store, lottery tickets shineunder the glass counter. When he flips through TV channels, guys his ageappear in high-stakes poker tournaments, beaming like movie stars. Eachtime, Matthew […]

Budd will be out in 60 days

Massillon travel agent Roger Budd was sentenced to another 60 days in jailWednesday by Common Pleas Judge John Haas, who also suspended a four-yearprison term. Budd, accused of bilking area residents out of money they paidfor trips to Las Vegas, has already served five months behind bars. Haasalso ordered Budd to get a job immediately […]

Charges laid in illegal gambling investigation

Members of the Organized Crime Section, Illegal Gambling Unit with theassistance of Windsor Police Service executed a Criminal Code search warrantat Sai Gon Billiards located at 922 and 926 Wyandotte St. W. in the City ofWindsor on the 24th of Jan 2007. As a result, a number of individuals havebeen charged with illegal gambling offences. […]

Deceased mobster’s son pleads guilty to role in gambling ring

The son of a deceased West Virginia mobster pleaded guilty in federal courtto playing a role in a multimillion-dollar bookmaker ring. ChristopherHankish, 44, of Scott Township, pleaded guilty Wednesday to one count ofconspiracy to conduct an illegal gambling business, federal prosecutorssaid. Hankish is the son of Paul Hankish, a Wheeling, W.Va., native who diedin prison […]