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Spokane gambling deal could benefit casinos in county

If other Washington tribes succeed in getting the liberalized gambling rulesthat are part of a new state agreement with the Spokane Indian Tribe, itcould set off a new round of expansion for the 25 Washington state tribalcasinos that generated about $1.2 billion in net receipts in 2006. In aprepared statement, Lummi Nation chairwoman Evelyn Jefferson […]

Understanding Money Management When Gambling

The idea of money management and having a bankroll specifically for gamblingis a foreign concept to many casino players. Most casual players simplydeposit money when they want to play and that is fine, but unless youunderstand money management, you could be putting more at risk than justyour bet. Money management is not a system for […]

UK gambling ad laws to be relaxed

In the build up to the government announcing the location of the UK’s firstsupercasino, it has emerged that TV advertising laws for UK gamblingoperators are to be relaxed. However, those gambling operators that arebased outside Europe and Gibraltar wishing to advertise in the UK will haveto apply for a special licence and prove that they […]

Mass. residents favor Bay State gambling, casino

The poll, conducted by the Center for Policy Analysis at the University ofMassachusetts Dartmouth, found 57 percent of respondents support theauthorization of a resort casino, 30 percent are opposed and 14 percent areundecided. The poll and behavioral survey of 1,041 Massachusetts residentswas conducted between September and November last year, according to theCFPA. When asked to […]

McCreevy may oppose US gambling laws

US restrictions on online gambling may be challenged by the European Union,the bloc’s top financial regulator said today. The legality of Internetgambling in the United States was ambiguous for many years, but it waseffectively banned last October when US President George W. Bush signedlegislation outlawing financial transactions for gaming. Several Britishonline gambling firms were forced […]

Video gambling a cash cow even for smaller states

Surveying West Virginia’s rural neighborhoods, where most people lackbroadband access to the Internet, you would never guess the state is alottery cash cow.That is until you drove by the racetracks that dot major population centers.There you would see crowds of people shoving streams of dollars into buzzingand blinking video lottery terminals – the reason this […]

Fears problem gambling could increase

Relaxing restrictions on slot machines and casino-building later this yearcould lead to rising numbers suffering from gambling problems, doctors andchurch leaders fear. The British Medical Association (BMA) said earlier thismonth it was particularly concerned about adolescent gamblers and called fora review of whether slot machine gambling — popular among teenagers —should be banned to anyone […]

Anytime, Anywhere Online Gambling Fuels Culture of Fast Money

Jay Melancon hunkered down in an auditorium chair for his morning psychologyclass at the University of Minnesota, flipped open his laptop and logged on.The instructor yammered on at the front of the room, but Melancon wasn’tlistening. He was exhausted from staying up all night playing online poker.And now, sitting in the back of the class, […]

Poll finds majority back casino gambling in Mass.

Most Massachusetts residents support the legalization of casino gambling inthe state, according to a poll released today by the Center for PolicyAnalysis at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. About 57 percent ofthose surveyed said they support the authorization of a resort casino in thestate, while 30 percent were opposed and 14 percent were undecided. Thepoll, which […]

Proposed Gambling Zones See Prices Rocket

Real estate prices in two of the four zones designated for legal gambling,set to come into existence in mid-2009, have seen a spectacular rise sincethe beginning of the year. Under a new anti-gambling law, which receivedPresident Vladimir Putin’s official approval Dec. 31, gambling in Russiawill be restricted to four zones from July 1, 2009. Elsewhere […]

Program gives students a head’s up about gambling

The Responsible Gambling Council is ‘betting’ that college-age students willbe smarter about gambling once they ‘Know the Score.’The council, a non-profit, independent organization committed to problemgambling prevention, is running the program this week at Fleming College inLindsay.Co-ordinator Tim Hawkes said that while most people gamble responsibly,gambling online, especially poker, is on the rise among college […]

Online Gambling Laws and What They Mean to You

As one of the world’s largest and most popular entertainment and news sitesfocusing on “events” betting odds, whether that be related to sports,political elections, celebrity breakups, awards shows and so on, realizes the need for clarity in laws imposed by local,state, country jurisdictions. As such, through extensive research, we offerour readers an easy-to-follow breakdown of […]

Christian groups fear explosion in gambling

Christian groups today warned the opening of Britain’s first supercasinocould lead to an explosion in the number of gambling addicts. Tomorrow theGovernment’s Casino Advisory Panel will announce the location for the firstLas Vegas-style gaming complex, with the Dome and Blackpool heading therace. But a report by the Methodist Church and the Salvation Army said todaythat […]

A winning bet in land of the blues: the miracle of gambling, US-style

Driving down Highway 61 from Memphis, Tennessee to Tunica, Mississippi, thefields are flat, with occasional bursts of swampland, and cotton ballsblowing on the tar. As you edge south, the billboards grow more insistent,offering endless variations on the notion of chance: “Best cash back!”,“Best dealers”, “$10k Fridays”. Follow your luck, and you end up ridingtowards Mississippi’s […]