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Attorney says losses at casinos may be addressed in talks

Frequent gambling losses at area casinos apparently led Chargers safetyTerrence Kiel to seek other means of income, including the shipping ofcodeine-based cough syrup that got him arrested last year, law enforcementauthorities said. Officials were told in their investigation that gamblingis "exactly what caused the problem, that he was in over his head because hegambles too […]

Rockford woman stole to feed gambling addiction

A 43-year-old woman who admitted Tuesday to embezzling cash from a drivers'education program at Rockford Schools faces up to 10 years in prison. Schoolofficials and Kent County Sheriff's Department investigators say Tamara SueOsech, who lives in the school district, turned herself in last fall andconfessed to taking cash payments intended to go to a state-run […]

Albuquerque sports bar, employee cited for gambling

An employee at a northeast Albuquerque sports bar is facing a commercialgambling charge after state investigators discovered a Super Bowl pool wasrun there.John Webb, 40, who holds the liquor license at Howie's Sports Page, wascited Tuesday, said Peter Olson, state Department of Public Safetyspokesman. The bar was cited Sunday for commercial gambling and sellingalcohol to […]

13 arrested for gambling in capital

A gambling racket has been busted in the capital with the arrest of 13people, police said. Rajesh Sharma, a resident of Lalita Park in east Delhiwho was allegedly organising gambling activities in his home, was nabbedwith 12 others Tuesday, Delhi Police said. Police recovered Rs.300,000 incash, two packets of playing cards, 35 tokens and 12 […]

Middle school students invited to enter artwork for gambling awareness

Oregon middle-school students are invited to enter artwork for a 2008calendar that will be used to increase problem gambling awareness. Anestimated 75,000 adult Oregonians experience problems related to theirgambling, which also impacts children and families. "This is a chance forstudents both to learn more about the risks of gambling and to capture theattention of parents […]

Alberta Canada May Regulate Online Gambling

It's home to, which is purely an industry-focused news andinformation website, and soon may be home to a number of online gamblingentities that actually take bets from around the globe. Alberta Canada isseriously considering regulation of online gambling. Maxine Maudie of SunMedia reports that a spokesman for the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commissionyesterday said […]

Launch of New Poker Rooms Shows Internet Gambling Industry Still Booming

The launch of two high-profile online gambling sites over the few weeks hasprovided further evidence that the online gambling industry, far fromcrumbling in the wake of the UIGEA, is still as strong as ever. The highestprofile launch was that of Playboy Gaming, whose investment in the marketshows that even established big-name brands are confident in […]

Jonah Goldberg’s Gambling Debt: Will Tribune Company Pay It?

The two-year period comes due this Thursday. Even Goldberg now realizes hisprediction was totally wrong — with poll after poll showing most Americansdo not "agree that the war was worth it." So shouldn't Goldberg — orsomebody — pay off the $1,000? The bet was offered near the end of anoverheated blogo-debate between Goldberg and Dr. […]

West Virginia gambling revenue plan proposed

"The state's take on any prospective table gambling revenue should be usedto pay off West Virginia's pension debts, said House Majority Leader JoeDeLong, D-Hancock. "'My concern about the table gambling bill is about howthe money is being appropriated,' DeLong said. ' ".The table gambling billcurrently before lawmakers will be discussed by the House JudiciaryCommittee on […]

WTO rules against US in online gambling suit

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has ruled against the US in an onlinegambling dispute with the Caribbean island of Antigua and notes that although the ruling is still private, it has beenreported that the WTO has found the US guilty of not complying with a 2005order in the case. Antigua and Barbuda has built […]

House supports allowing some gambling in bars, eateries

Patrons in Wyoming bars and restaurants could once again belly up to afriendly game of cards under legislation that passed the House on firstreading Tuesday.The House gave initial approval to a gambling bill that would exclude fromthe definition of gambling "profits" the money that bars and restaurantsreceive from selling drinks and food to their gambling […]

Group urges ‘smart cards’ to curb problem gambling

The Provincial Cities Association says 'smart cards' should replace cash atpoker machines around South Australia to stop problem gambling. Theassociation's chairwoman, Mayor Joy Baluch, says the cards would have adaily credit limit. Councillor Baluch says a study commissioned by theassociation shows a reduction in gaming machine numbers has not curbedproblem gambling. She says if the […]

Expanded gambling bad bet for Bay State

Nothing in this world can be said to be certain, Ben Franklin noted in aletter to a friend, except death and taxes. And, he should have noted,there’s one more thing: Every new governor of Massachusetts looks at casinogambling as a potential source of revenue. Daniel O’Connell, the state’ssecretary of housing and economic development, confirmed in […]

Priests cry out against gambling

WITH BARBADIANS and visitors spending $200 – in some cases much more – inMega 6 tickets to win the $2.5 million jackpot, some priests have come outand condemned the gambling fever now sweeping the island. “It is evil andshould be avoided,” said Father Harcourt Blackett on Sunday in a telephoneinterview. The Roman Catholic cleric said […]