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Gambling study seeks rural participants

A university study about people who want to overcome gambling problems isseeking volunteers from rural Nevada. The study is being conducted by theUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas, International Gaming Institute along withHarvard Medical School. Professor Bo Bernhard said he is seeking volunteerswilling to participate in three 15-minute phone interviews about theirgambling. Bernhard is the director […]

Research Says Viva Espana to Emerging Online Gambling Market

Ireland based market research resource centre, Research and Markets haspredicted that the Spanish interactive gambling market will see a staggering240 percent growth by 2010, reaching ?4.2 billion. The gambling market ingeneral is also set to see an extensive boost to revenues, growing to ?39billion by 2010. Following the introduction of restrictive online gamblinglaws in other […]

We’re heading down gambling’s slippery slope

Hoosiers have cleared the first hurdle for a new expansion of gambling bythe action taken in the Indiana House Public Policy Committee chaired byRep. Trent Van Haaften of Mount Vernon. The shell bill (HB 1835) was hiddenfrom public view as a "vehicle bill" and did not appear as a slot machine orgambling bill on the […]

Pro-Moscow Chechen Leader Proposes to Ban Gambling in Russia

The gambling business is a greater threat to Russia than drugs and should becut short, Ramzan Kadyrov, Acting President of the Chechen Republic,believes.'I am firmly convinced that the gambling business is more dangerous to thepeople in Russia, to its national security, than drugs which are universallybelieved to be a terrible evil', the Interfax news agency […]

AFL Gambling Probe: Australian TAB Says No to Investigation

Following the gambling scandal, where AFL players were found gambling onother AFL matches, government regulated territory corporations (TAB) wereinstructed to hand over access to gambling accounts to investigators. TAB inVictoria and New South Wales did release information to assist the theinvestigation of the football gambling of Goodwin, Melbourne defender DanielWard, Kangaroos ruckman David Hale and […]

Spain’s Gambling Market is Expected to Grow to Euro 39 Billion by 2010

Research and Markets has announced the addition of The Spanish GamblingMarket – a Key Region for Future Growth to their offering. William Hill hasalready started its expansion into Spain, more and more Spanish soccer teamsare sponsored by online gambling companies – these are just a few of manyclear signs that the gambling industry is starting […]

How will feds break up online gambling rings? Follow the money

As is true of any form of technology, the Internet can be – and is – usedfor constructive purposes and in harmful ways. Some Web site operators seekto defraud unsuspecting visitors to their home pages, while others wish toappeal to the weaknesses of those addicted to pornography or gambling. Twosignificant challenges in drafting new laws […]

Gambling Income and Losses

Gambling income includes, but is not limited to, winnings from lotteries,raffles, horse and dog races and casinos, as well as the fair market valueof prizes such as cars, houses, trips or other noncash prizes. Depending onthe type and amount of your winnings, the payer might provide you with aForm W-2G and may have withheld federal […]

Poker & Casino Gambling in Bean Town?

A recently recognized Indian tribe in Massachusetts, USA who has expressedthe desire to build a full scale casino in the state has stirred up thecasino gambling debate yet again on Beacon Hill. Last Thursday U.S.Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs designated the MashpeeWampanoag tribe as a sovereign American Indian nation. The tribe has statedtheir […]

Gambling and Professional Sports: Why the AFL Situation Was Predictable

The AFL and the Australian media are caught up in a story about 4 playersaccused of betting on AFL matches or some aspect thereof. All of theplayers, to the extent public comment has been made, deny betting on theirown club and claim that the bets were small potatoes stuff, as little asA$10. Perhaps that will […]

AFL Star Simon Goodwin Investigated for Footy Gambling

Adelaide's Simon Goodwin, Melbourne defender Daniel Ward, Sydney rookieKieran Jack, and Kangaroo David Hale are all under investigation forgambling on ALF games. While none of the players actually bet on or againsttheir respective teams, it is believed they did place wagers on otherfootball games. Ts is in direct contravention to the very strict AFL rulesagainst […]

National Problem Gambling Awareness Week Begins March 5

Problem gambling is a serious issue in Louisiana facing as many as 200,000of our state's residents. To help raise awareness about Louisiana's servicesfor those who experience problems with gambling, Gov. Kathleen BabineauxBlanco has declared the week of March 5 as National Problem GamblingAwareness Week."Problem gambling is a serious health issue in our state," said Departmentof […]

Gambling Vote Is Expected Today

The West Virginia House of Delegates was expected to vote today onlegislation that could lead to table gambling at the state's racetracks.House Bill 2718 was set to have its third and final reading, then a vote forpassage before lawmakers leave for the weekend. If passed today, the measuremoves on to the State Senate.The bill would […]


So much concern is placed on the individual who has a gambling addiction. Ofcourse, treating an individual with a gambling addiction is very important.What about the families of those with gambling addictions? Often times as asociety we forget about the loved ones of those with addictions. Likealcoholism, concern must be shown for the family members […]