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Table Gambling Bill Leaps Ahead

The city of Wheeling would receive a projected $1 million annually fromtable gambling profits after changes to legislation made by Senate JudiciaryCommittee members Thursday. "Under the House version, Wheeling's share wouldhave been $180,000," explained state Sen. Andy McKenzie, R-Ohio, a member ofthe Senate Judiciary Committee. The table gambling legislation, House Bill2718, passed the Senate Judiciary […]

Intel personnel, mobile group tapped in fight vs illegal gambling

In the midst of bustling political developments, Police Regional Office(PRO) 6 regional director Chief Supt. Wilfredo Dulay Sr. has launched a taskforce that would undertake a more aggressive campaign against the illegalnumbers game "jueteng" and other forms of illegal gambling in WesternVisayas. The Anti-Illegal Gambling Special Operation Task Force (AIGSOTF)will be headed by Dulay himself. […]

Gordon Brown to lure gambling firms to UK

Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is reportedly set to announceplans in next month's budget to entice offshore gambling firms to beregulated and licenced in the UK in return for a tax. The new tax, whichwill be called the Remote Gaming Duty, would allow gambling companies to belicenced in the UK but still be based […]

UK budget aims to woo online gambling firms: Paper

British finance minister Gordon Brown will reveal a plan in his budget nextmonth to encourage the online gambling industry, the Daily Telegraphreported on Friday.He will use the March 21 budget to announce that companies could obtain aBritish license and still remain based overseas in return for a tax —possibly as low as 2 percent or […]

Internet Gambling – Sports Hypocrisy

The just concluded NBA All-Star game yet again rehashed the sports leaguehypocrisy when it comes to gambling. David Stern can rant all he wantsabout how betting on sports sullies the image of his league worse than itsmillionaire players being unable to avoid getting arrested. The fact is theleagues conveniently overlook some of the real harm […]

Gambling proceeds filling B.C. coffers

The province's lottery corporation wants more British Columbians to take upgaming, as the government that once vowed as party policy to halt the growthof gambling in B.C. reaps ever increasing revenue from it. "They arebecoming gaming crackheads," NDP Crown corporations critic Guy Gentnercharged yesterday, noting that government income from gambling in theprovince for the coming […]

Man admits gambling business

A Waialua man admits he paid off the girlfriend of a Honolulu police officerbecause he feared possible shutdown of his illegal gambling business thatincluded cockfights, card games and craps on family property in Waialua. "Iwas running the Waialua cockfights, and I was paying Micha Terragna weekly,"Charles Gilman told U.S. Magistrate Judge Barry Kurren yesterday. Gilman,51, […]

Gambling on a roll of the dice

The Wampanoag Indians, among others connected to the gaming industry, aretalking to Doug Rubin, one of Governor Deval Patrick's top campaignadvisers, about representing their interests. Rubin, who is in the processof setting up his own consulting business, said he has not "finalizedanything" with any gambling client. If he signed on with one, he said, itwould […]

High stakes in student gambling

With the NBA All-Star Game taking place in Las Vegas this past Sunday night,the issue of moving a NBA team to Las Vegas has come to the forefront of NBAconversation. Commissioner David Stern is just now opening discussion aboutfielding a Sin City franchise. What was his reason for neglecting mention ofmoving a team to one […]

Expanded Gambling Could Mean More Jobs for Kentuckians

One of the final bills filed by house lawmakers could authorize up to nine casinos at racetracks and other locations in Kentucky. This could happen only if voters give their approval to a constitutional amendment in the November 2008 election. But first, the general assembly has to give its approval. Expanded gambling could provide jobs […]

UK gambling businesses must apply for license

New laws come into effect later this year which mean that anyone who wantsto run a gambling business in the North East area, including local bettingshops, amusement arcades, bingo halls and casinos, must apply for a licence.The Gambling Commission will be responsible for licensing and regulatinggambling in Britain under the Gambling Act 2005 which comes […]

Illinois Republicans Push for Expanded Gambling

Illinois House Republicans have proposed a $5 Billion budget for roads,schools and mass transportation. The money to cover the budget will comefrom an expansion of Illinois' casinos. Expanding gambling in the State hasnot been a popular option in the past. But when compared to other options,such as increased sales tax or an increase on State […]

52 percent favor casino gambling at Kentucky’s racetracks

A majority of Kentuckians favor allowing casino gambling at the state'sracetracks, according to a Bluegrass Poll released Wednesday. The pollconducted by The Courier-Journal of Louisville found that 52 percent ofKentuckians favor casinos at the tracks, while 38 percent oppose them andanother 10 percent were undecided. The poll was encouraging for members ofthe thoroughbred racing industry […]

Internet wagering may be key to sports gambling’s future

When it comes to betting on sports, it seems the gambling industry has leftno stone unturned. There are government-sanctioned Sport Select kiosks invirtually every corner store, casinos in every corner of the city andchances to bet on just about any horse race in the world at EdmontonNorthlands. There are illegal book-makers more than willing to […]