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Chris Colombo convicted of gambling charges

Chris Colombo's lawyer made no bones about it right from Day One: Colombo isyour basic gambler from Blooming Grove who only dresses like a gangster –and a TV gangster at that. Yesterday, a federal jury agreed. But convictingColombo of gambling charges was about the only agreement that the juryreached after three weeks of deliberations. The […]

Online Gambling Prohibition: Lessons From the ‘War on Drugs’

Vices are as American as apple pie – tobacco, alcohol, gambling, pornographyand many others absolutely saturate today's society. Just as prevalent aregovernment policies to control them. Laws crafted to regulate the salaciousappetite of the public are among the most controversial public policies –take the American alcohol prohibition failure as a prime example. Onlinegamblers today find […]

Gambling in Arizona

Casinos and lotteries are the two most popular types of gambling in Arizona.About 2.3 percent of adults in Arizona are problem gamblers, lower than thenational rate of 2.7 percent. However, Arizona is considered to have moregamblers at risk of becoming problem gamblers.Problem gamblers are mostlikely to identify slot machines as their favorite type of gambling, […]

Help sought for girl sold to settle gambling debt

The mother of a teenage girl, allegedly sold by her (late) father when shewas one-year-old after incurring heavy debt in gambling, has threatened toimmolate herself if the girl, now 16, is not saved from being handed over toa middle-aged man. Speaking at a news conference at the press club here onMonday, Ms Nooran, of Zeal […]

Gambling Business Earned 10.116 m GEL for Central Budget Between and January-February

Between January and February of 2007, 17 licenses were issued for gamblingbusiness, contributing 10.116 m GEL as a monthly fee to central budget.According to the Finance Ministry, during the reported period, 13 licenseswere issued for refurbishment of gambling rooms out of which 104 000 m GELwent to the central budget. In the same period, 2 […]

UK gambling stocks marked lower in early trade

UK Gambling shares were market down lower in early trade, following the newsof a large seller of PartyGaming stock, alongside a statement from 888 PLCto the effect that its non-executive director and former Chief ExecutiveOfficer, John Anderson, has been asked to attend an interview with theFrench authorities. Ladbrokes, once seen as a potential bidder for […]

More gambling, less revenue

Just as Louis DeNaples received the go-ahead from the state of Pennsylvaniato open a slots casino at Mount Airy Lodge in the Poconos, word comes outthat an Indian tribe has plans to open a huge casino in the Catskills – notfar away – and those plans are moving forward. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribeplans a […]

UK firm to develop legal gambling

A UK-based betting firm has pledged US$60 million to develop footballgambling as a legitimate industry in Viet Nam if the country makes thepractice legal.The National Sports and Physical Culture Committee plans to submit a draftproposal of the agreement with Ladbrokes to Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dungfor initial approval in March, said Huynh Vinh Ai, vice […]

NRL to take slice of the action by cutting deals with gambling giants

"we get all of the pain and none of the gain" – is about to be redressed,with two major betting agencies set to sign lucrative deals with the NRL.The NRL is on the verge of completing a long-form agreement with Tabcorp,the merged entity of the NSW and Victorian TABs, to become a sponsor, whileBetfair, a […]

Green Party Want Online Gambling Site Banned

Attracting wide New Zealand media comment over the weekend was the news thatthe New Zealand Green political party wants a new online gambling site shutdown because it "threatens the viability of the racing industry." GreenParty member of parliament Sue Bradford is at the heart of the row, claimingthat an online gambling site, Race-O New Zealand, […]

Online Gambling To Get A Leg Up In The UK

Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown will reveal a plan in his budgetnext month to encourage the online gambling industry, according to publishedreports.He will use the 21 March budget to announce that companies could obtain aBritish licence and still remain based overseas in return for a tax —possibly as low as 2 per cent or […]

China Cracks Down on Internet Gambling, Follows US Lead

Communist China will begin "purifying" the cyber environment, taking a leadfrom US legislators and law enforcement officials. They will begin crackingdown severely on internet gambling activity. "The prevalence of onlinegaming has ruined the online environment and harmed young people's growth,which runs against the policy of building a harmonious society," said acircular jointly issued by the […]

Antigua to the Rescue

Although things have appeared bleak lately for Americans who enjoy onlinegambling, something is about to happen next month which may swing thependulum back towards freedom of choice. Laws passed previously bannednon-US companies from operating in the US gaming market. However, Antiguaand Barbuda had built up a significant Internet gambling industry to replacefalling tourist revenue and […]

U.K. may try to woo online gambling

He will use the March 21 budget to announce that companies could obtain aBritish license and still remain based overseas in return for atax–possibly as low as 2 percent or 3 percent, the Daily Telegraph saidFriday in an unsourced report. Named a Remote Gaming Duty, the new tax wouldenable gambling firms to avoid paying British […]