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Gambling Raid at House on Keystone Ave.

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police raided another alleged gambling houseTuesday, this time on the city's northeast side. "I'm not robbing, killingor stealing. I am working to feed my kids that's all I'm doing," saidsuspect Rodney Wallace. But metro police say what 49-year-old Wallace wasdoing is illegal. Police arrested Wallace and two others, 51-year-oldWilliam Clinkscales and 51-year-old Clarence […]

Anti-gambling Groups Want A Slowdown On March Madness

Anti-gambling groups are asking companies to take it easy during MarchMadness. Some researchers say companies could make someone who is addictedto gambling relapse. Let's face it. Very few of us actually do really wellwith our NCAA college basketball brackets. David Letterman must have reallytaken a pounding this year. "My prediction, in the final it will […]

Senate passes gambling bill

After a 13-hour filibuster, gambling proponents found the Senate votes theyneeded early today to expand casino gaming across the state. Followingspeeches that dragged late into Wednesday night, the Senate voted 21-19 –the minimum needed for passage – just after midnight to allow casinos inSedgwick and three other counties and as many as 2,800 slot machines […]

Consider the cost of expanded gambling

The Kansas House of Representatives passed a bill this week allowing casinosand slot machines. Lawmakers are betting that gaming will be a cash cow forthe state. If you listen to supporters, "destination" casinos will attractpeople from around the region, and their money will boost the state andlocal economies. That's enough to sway many legislators. What […]

Bill hits gambling in clubs and bars

Senate President Pro Tem David Long said Wednesday that he plans to expandhis proposal to crack down on illegal gambling, suggesting that the stateshould add a special prosecutor just to handle those cases. Long, R-FortWayne, said too many county prosecutors view illegal gambling —particularly by bars, clubs and other retailers using video machines withnames such […]

Broker on trial also charged in gambling ring

A former Merrill Lynch & Co. broker was arrested on state gambling chargesin New York, postponing his federal trial for selling access to tradinginformation broadcast over his firm's office intercom. Sign up for: GlobeHeadlines e-mail | Breaking News Alerts Timothy O'Connell, 42, of CarlePlace, N.Y., was one of 17 people charged yesterday in connection with […]

Joint Release from Salvation Army and Methodist Church Ahead of Gambling Vote

In advance of Wednesday's votes in Parliament on the geographicaldistribution of casino premises licences, The Salvation Army and theMethodist Church have re-stated their general concerns relating to increasedgambling opportunities, particularly the potentially devastating effects onthe vulnerable. 'Evidence suggests that the new casinos, the increasingpopularity of online gambling and the general drift towards the"normalisation" of gambling […]

Cary Police Bust Up Poker Gambling Hall

Cary Police say they have broken up an illegal poker gambling hall that washoused in a nondescript warehouse and have arrested over 40 people onvarious charges. Acting on an anonymous Crime Stoppers tip, the Cary PoliceDepartment served a search warrant at 233 "M" East Johnson St. on Friday,March 23rd shortly after midnight. The bland looking […]

Calls to gambling helpline not often from addicts

A telephone helpline for problem gamblers set up a year ago by NorthCarolina lottery officials has received plenty of calls, but not from itstargeted audience. Up to 85 percent of the calls haven't been from peoplewith gambling problems, officials said. Instead, callers want to know thewinning Powerball numbers or have questions about their scratch-off tickets.In […]

June 9 big day for gambling forces

Three of four West Virginia racetracks aim to have voters decide June 9whether to allow table games in their slots-only casinos, but executives saythe timing of votes in Hancock, Ohio and Kanawha counties is more abouturgency than strategy. "I don't think it was really organized. It's just thefirst available day we could get,'' Bob Marshall, […]

Gambling law in the UK

Betting is drawing attention in the wake of Bob Woolmer's murder. Even asspeculation is rife that the betting biggies could have been behind thecrime, informs that the Jamaica sleuths areyet to find any evidence regarding match-fixing and betting in Woolmer'slaptop. How big is the betting industry? A Las Vegas-datelined report on cites PricewaterhouseCoopers' forecast […]

Gambling bill stalls in overnight Senate session

An odd combination of gambling opponents and supporters stalled legislationearly today that would repeal Missouri's unique gamblers' loss limit in anattempt to generate tax revenues for college scholarships. Missouri lawcurrently prohibits casino patrons from buying more than $500 inslot-machine tokens or table-game chips every two hours – the nation's onlysuch betting cap. Senate legislation would […]

IAAF defend against potential gambling scandals

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has movedswiftly to reduce the likelihood of gambling scandals besetting their sportafter allegations that the death of Pakistan Cricket coach Bob Woolmer wasrelated to the gambling underworld. Speaking at the World Cross-CountryChampionships in Mombasa, Kenya, the association voted to "forbid officials,athletes, their representatives, managers, coaches, meeting organisers andtrainers […]

Lottery’s gambling helpline callers don’t usually need help

A telephone helpline for problem gamblers set up a year ago by NorthCarolina lottery officials has received plenty of calls, but not from itstargeted audience. Up to 85 percent of the calls haven't been from peoplewith gambling problems, officials said. Instead, callers want to know thewinning Powerball numbers or have questions about their scratch-off tickets.In […]