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WTO rules US ban on offshore Internet gambling to be illegal

In a judgment published late on Friday the World Trade Organisation (WTO)ruled that the unilateral prohibition imposed by the US on offshore Internetgambling is illegal. However the decision is unlikely to have much effect inthe short term at least – as the Bush administration has simply ignored a2005 WTO finding that concluded the US was […]

Indiana county wary of Kentucky gambling expansion

Clark County officials hoping to land a riverboat casino are worriedcampaign talk among Kentucky's gubernatorial candidates about expandinggambling in that state could harm the southeastern Indiana county's casinodreams. With Kentucky's governor's race unfolding, gambling has emerged asone of the top issues. Although all three candidates in Kentucky's May 22Republican gubernatorial primary oppose expanding gambling, most […]

Poland Joins Online Gambling Regulation Ranks

Online gamblers with an interest in the Eastern European nation of Polandhad reason to celebrate this week with news that the government of Poland ispreparing to license and regulate online gambling. A recent European Courtof Justice ruling in favor of British bookmakers who had been banned fromoperating in Italy without a license is expected to […]

Alabama House bill would allow gambling machines at dog tracks

MONTGOMERY, Ala. A favorite hot button issue — gambling — is back on thetable in the Alabama Legislature. Bills introduced in the AlabamaLegislature today would legalize video bingo games for high stakes atgreyhound racetracks in Birmingham and Mobile. Under the proposal, 20percent of revenue from the games would go to the state and be earmarked […]

Grand jury indicts 8 from area in gambling case

A federal grand jury in Cleveland has returned a 51-count indictment againsteight Akron- area residents on charges of mail fraud, money laundering andgambling offenses. Indicted Wednesday were: Nasser M. Kahook, 45, alsocalled Norman, of Uniontown, with mail-fraud conspiracy, money-launderinginstruments, money-laundering conspiracy, running an illegal gamblingbusiness, gambling conspiracy, money laundering and financial institutionbribery. Abdel Nasser Judeh, […]

NCAA’s gambling madness

Public interest in NCAA basketball largely centers on informal contestsamong family, friends, and colleagues to guess the winners by filling out achart for the 127 games. This "bracketology," as it's called, easily slipsinto making bets. For many people, it also leads to big financial losses ora spiral into gambling addiction. The NCAA knows that gambling […]

Bail set for 48 gambling defendants

Four dozen people charged in connection with what authorities said is amultimillion-dollar illegal sports betting ring made their first appearancein state Superior Court Thursday morning. The two women and 46 men werehandcuffed and wearing jail-issued jumpsuits. Most were chained together insmall groups as they filed into Judge Paul F. Chaiet's courtroom. Theroundup of defendants began […]

Attempts to kill gambling bill gave it life

Early Thursday, thanks to a bizarre series of procedural moves and missteps,arm twisting and 12 hours of filibustering, the long odds finally paid off.The bill passed 21-19 and is on its way to the governor, who said Thursdayshe will sign it. In a strange twist, it was actually attempts to kill thebill by anti-gambling lawmakers […]

Anticorruption chief ‘skimming the surface’ of illegal gambling

If it has seemed over the past few days that cricket and illegal betting areincurably connected, an alternative view comes from – of all places –Karachi, where the head of the city's AntiCorruption Establishment declaresthat three years ago he came within sight of stamping out undergroundgambling houses completely. Karachi is split into 19 "towns", the […]

House bill would allow gambling machines at dog tracks

A favorite hot button issue – gambling – is back on the table in the AlabamaLegislature. Bills introduced in the Alabama Legislature Thursday wouldlegalize video bingo games for high stakes at greyhound racetracks inBirmingham and Mobile. Under the proposal, 20 percent of revenue from thegames would go to the state and be earmarked to fund […]

Citadel Focuses On the European Online Gambling Growing Market

The online gambling industry has experienced troubles in the American marketsince the passing of the Unlawful Internet gambling Enforcement Act, whichhas spurred investment firm, Citadel, to focus on gaming markets outside ofthe US. ESI Entertainment Systems Inc. (ESI), parent company of onlinegambling payment processor, Citadel Commerce, which is based in Canada, andits subsidiary, Payline, plans […]

Gambling With The Internet

When Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA),which forced online gambling companies to adhere to Federal and Stategambling laws, it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary to assume that thereason for the crackdown was the attempt to protect compulsive gamblers fromdescending into a morass of debt via their home computers. But, like […]

Expanded gambling approved, on the way to Governor

Debate ran so late because of a filibuster staged by gaming proponents inthe Senate. For the most part, Senators stuck to the topic at hand although,at times, it was a bit of a stretch, as lawmakers discussed the rules of ginrummy, and various other card games. Many grew frustrated by the stalling,and the long wait. […]

Lords wreck hope of gambling

PLANS to build Britain's first supercasino in Manchester were THROWN OUT bythe House of Lords yesterday. In a disaster for Prime Minister Tony Blairand Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, peers blocked the Government's GamblingOrder by 123 votes to 120. The shock result leaves the vision of LasVegas-style casinos in Britain in tatters. And plans for 16 […]