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Activists fighting addition of Chumash Casino slot machines (The Fresno Bee)

Casino giants line up as Japan prepares to roll the dice (AFP via Yahoo! News)The world’s top casino operators are jockeying for a stake in a vast but untapped market as Japan moves closer to an overhaul of its strict gambling laws to lure rich Asian tourists and boost its economy. to auction gambling […]

Christian group in opposition to Lodi card room (11:36 a.m.) (The Record)

Plans to overturn online gambling ban (UPI)The chairman of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee is expressing skepticism about the chance of overturning a controversial online gambling law. The approval process (Desert Sun)Right now, the compacts are in the Senate, where supporters are cautiously optimistic because the bills to ratify the state-tribal gambling agreements have […]

Apple prepares gambling for iPhone

Beyond trying to break barriers in the mobile market by integrating a fullyoperable music player into new handsets. Apple is now looking to expand therange of multimedia services for the iPhone. Still months away before asign of an official release date in the UK, it seems like Apple is trying it'shardest to make it the […]

Private club gambling

Some casinos are already ringing up big bucks for their owners and moreslots parlors will soon join them. Now, one lawmaker wants non-profits toget a cut of the action by getting their own slot machines. As Erica Moffittreports, it's being called vital to the future of many of these communityorganizations. Hundreds of clubs like VFWs, […]

High school coach arrested in gambling investigation

The football coach at West Haven High School is among five people arrestedWednesday on gambling charges as part of an investigation into illegalbookmaking operations. Coach Edward McCarthy, 60, and the four others werecharged with professional gambling, possession of gambling records and usinga telephone to transmit and receive gambling information. The othersarrested were Bernard McDermott, 48, […]

Online Day Trading and Internet Gambling are the Same Thing

A new investigative article released earlier this week by Casino Gamblingrevealed a close link between Internet gambling and online day trading. Thearticle, written by Terry Goodwin, titled 'Legal Internet Gambling in theUS', was written to describe the almost identical characteristics of each ofthe two hobbies. Terry described how each industry is promoted in the sameway. […]

Illinois House panel weighs gambling expansion

Horse racetrack owners in Illinois are lobbying hard for legislation thatwould allow slot machines and other electronic games at racetracks, sayingthe measure is needed to keep the struggling industry alive. Collinsville'sFairmount Park contends that in the competition to field quality racehorses, the state's five racetracks can't compete with out-of-state tracksthat subsidize their purses with revenue […]

Foes spot expansion loophole in gambling bill

Glenn Thompson, executive director of the anti-gambling group Stand Up forKansas, said that under the bill, future Legislatures could put video slotmachines in convenience stores, grocery stores and other places withouthaving to get voters' approval. "They could use this question later to placemachines at locations other than racetracks," Thompson said. Thompson isreferring to a part […]


In a report titled "The Italian Gambling Market – A Forerunner in theLiberalisation of European Gambling Markets" the research group MECNhas predicted that the Italian gambling market is set to achieve a 64percent growth rate culminating in revenues worth Euro 61 billion bythe year 2010. Describing the Italian region as one of the mostpromising online […]

Two charged with illegal gambling at flea market

Two men were arrested Saturday on charges of operating an illegaltable-gambling operation and robbing three people at theTacony-Palmyra Flea Market, police said. Michael A. Starks, 37, ofGlassboro and Khalil Collins, 31, of Philadelphia were each chargedwith multiple counts of robbery, possession of a prohibited weapon,possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose, unlawful possession of aweapon, […]

Senate advances proposal to crack down on illegal gambling

The Senate approved a proposal Wednesday that would crack down onillegal gambling statewide by stepping up enforcement and enactingstricter penalties. The Senate voted 38-11 for the bill, which wouldset aside money to hire 25 more state excise enforcement officers toinvestigate illegal gambling, including electronic machines sometimescalled "Cherry Masters." The legislation would also create a specialprosecutor […]

Legislators discuss school finance, gambling, energy at chamber forum

About 30 residents attended a Legislative Brown Bag Forum at the RockIsland Depot Tuesday featuring State Representative Carl Holmes, StateSenator Steve Morris and State Senator Tim Huelskamp. Speaking first,Carl Holmes began his remarks talking about his recent placement onthe agriculture committee and general issues that the House ofRepresentatives has faced recently, including school finance, the […]

Gambling Guide Presents New Design

Online gambling guide G-Gambling presents a new design with a freshlook, user-friendly layout, and intuitive navigation. As always, still focuses on serving useful and currentgambling content to players looking for the best gambling sites andbonuses. Featured info includes website and software reviews, news,promotion news, game guides, gambling articles, free practice games,and more. G-Gambling's provides valuable […]


Player protection is the primary concern of Danish gaming law. To thisend, Denmark seeks to establish a government licensing monopoly inlottery and betting. In addition, casino gambling is intended to beregulated and controlled by restricting the number of operators in theDanish casino market. The new field of Internet gambling, which hasraised much regulatory concern worldwide, […]