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New Orleans Board Considers New Riverboat Casino

As reported by the Undaunted by questions about whether it will even exist
five months from now, the Orleans Levee Board has added another project to
its to-do list: the pursuit of a new riverboat casino to replace the
gambling hall lost to Hurricane Katrina. “The agency, which could become
part of a regional authority next year if voters approve a Sept. 30
referendum, is already entertaining offers from separate developers looking
to launch $200 million real estate developments on its storm-ravaged
waterfront property. “On Wednesday, only minutes after hearing details about
the latest, post-Katrina proposal to bring commerce to the Lake
Pontchartrain shoreline, board President Mike McCrossen told his colleagues
that he has decided to ask Gov. Kathleen Blanco to make the state’s lone
remaining riverboat casino license available to an operator willing to lease
dock space from the cash-strapped agency.”