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House Expected to Hold Online Gambling Debate

As reported by Reuters: “The full U.S. House of Representatives is expected
to debate next week legislation that would attempt to ban Internet gambling,
a $12 billion-a-year industry that gets half its revenue from American
gamblers, two Republican lawmakers said on Thursday. “The legislation to be
debated blends two versions of bills that have been offered by Rep. Bob
Goodlatte of Virginia and Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa, the two said in a
statement. “Leach’s bill has been approved by both the House Financial
Services Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. It has broad support
among conservative and religious activist groups, who want to keep gambling
out of easy reach of minors. “The anti-gambling bill is expected to be
debated by the full House as early as Wednesday, a legislative aide said.
“However, it remains unclear whether the Senate will pass similar
legislation as Congress scrambles to finish its work before the November
general elections.”