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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Congress stupidly outlawed Internet gambling and only terrorists were helped

Last Saturday the United States Congress passed a port security bill thatcarried an amendment banning Internet gambling. This was a huge mistake, notbecause Internet gambling is a good thing (it was already illegal, in fact),but because the new law is either unenforceable or — if it can beenforced — will tear away the last shreds […]

Nova Scotia testing gambling blocker software

The Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation is looking for families to test a newcomputer program for blocking online gambling sites. The corporation saidthe new software program, called Betstopper, is supposed to block more than94 per cent of online gambling sites. The province wants 500 families totest the product in their homes. As many as six per […]

Frist Writes to Southern Baptists About Internet Gambling

“The new law passed because members of the pro-family movement — includinga great many Southern Baptists — brought the issue to the attention of bothDemocrats and Republicans,” Bill Frist says in a letter to the SouthernBaptists, a minority group not representative of all, or even a majority, ofcitizens of the United States of America. In […]

Trinidad moves to ban online gambling

Trinidad has banned casino slot machines and is moving to outlaw onlinegambling – practices the socially conservative prime minister accuses ofencouraging vice and straining families. Prime Minister Patrick Manningannounced the changes in his budget proposal speech to Parliament onWednesday, less than a week after the U.S. Congress passed legislationcracking down on Internet gambling. “Gaming activities […]

The spivs gambling with our pensions

No word of apology yet from all the City bankers, promoters, PR men, fundmanagers and regulators who are responsible for the worst scandal to hit theLondon stock market for years. Shares in online gaming companies have gonethrough the floor after the U.S. Senate passed a Bill to forbid banks fromprocessing payments to gambling websites. That […]

U.S. Online Gambling Prohibition Likely Not Enforceable

Rushed through Congress in the final hours of the 2005-2006 legislativesession, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act seems likely to failin its ultimate goal of prohibiting Americans from depositing andwithdrawing money from offshore-based online gambling companies. To be trulyeffective, the regulations should mandate that America’s financial networksidentify every product and service that an American purchases […]

One Internet Gambling Company Approached, Many More to Come

The first online gambling company to be approached in a possible buy off wasUKBetting, owner of a gambling website – – and several smallerbetting and gambling news portals such as,,, and UKBetting only dropped 6% of its share priceoff the London stock exchange as it assured holders Monday that it relied […]

Online Gambling in the U.S. Could be History

Online gambling in the U.S. could soon be history in the wake of a recentlypassed bill banning the favourite pasttime of many Americans. Causing muchuproar in the industry, the United States Congress passed a surpriselegislation that would essentially prevent banks and credit card companiesfrom paying out funds to Websites for online gambling. All that’s left […]

Gambling site concerns CHL

The Canadian Hockey League has asked its lawyers to look at an off-shoreinternet gambling website where bets can be placed on major junior hockeygames and the Memorial Cup. The CHL includes the Ontario, Western and Quebecmajor junior leagues that total 59 teams of players aged 16 to 20. TheAustrian website invites bets on OHL, […]

Gambling with second-hand smoke

The Pennsylvania Senate recognizes the severe health hazards of second-handsmoke and wants to make sure you are fully protected — unless you’re in acasino.That outrageous loophole was part of a gambling-reform bill the Senatepassed last week. It prevents the state’s 14 new slots venues from beingsubjected to anti-smoking measures. Gary Tuma, an aide to Democratic […]

Russia to have 4 zones for gambling houses — lawmaker

Russia will set up not more than four zones where gambling houses may runtheir businesses, speaker of the State Duma lower house of the Russianparliament Boris Gryzlov said Wednesday after a meeting between the housefactions’ leaders and the Russian president earlier in the day. It isenvisioned by amendments to the law on gambling, submitted by […]

Will gambling bill effect Rovers?

A new bill making it illegal for banks and credit cards to process gamingpayments has been passed by the US Congress, could this effect BlackburnRovers, with them obviously sponsored by online betting firm bet24. The moveis aimed to clamp down on betting, which ultimately leads to seriousfinancial trouble for many people. So should the bill, […]

Congress’ online gambling bill cuts Internet firms’ stock value

Congress approved legislation restricting Internet gambling just beforebeginning a lengthy recess, prompting a major shakeup in the online wageringworld.News of the congressional action sent online gambling companies into atailspin when stock markets reopened Oct. 2. Shares of PartyGaming, thelargest of the Internet firms, decreased 58 percent on the London StockExchange, with the company losing about […]

Internet Gambling: Strange bedfellows

Politics has again made for strange bedfellows. This time, the oddly linkedpair is port security and Internet gambling. In the last hours beforeCongress adjourned for the midterm election campaign, the long-awaited portsecurity bill passed both chambers with an anomalous appendage: the UnlawfulInternet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006. If signed by President Bush, thenew law would […]