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Victorian Gambling Report Released

As reported by the Advertiser: “Gamblers spent almost $43 million on gaming
machines in the City of Greater Bendigo in the past financial year, figures
just released reveal. “The Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation
figures for the 2005-2006 financial year reveal the net electronic gaming
machine expenditure in the City of Greater Bendigo was $42.7 million. “That
was almost $2.6 million more than in the 2004-2005 financial year – the net
expenditure then was $40.1 million. “.Gamblers across Victoria spent $2.47
billion on poker machines for the financial year up to June 30, $79 million
more than the previous financial year, the figures show. “But Minister for
Gaming John Pandazopoulos said the 3.3 per cent rise was the third lowest
growth rate since the machines were introduced in Victoria in 1992, and less
than the four per cent inflation rate.”