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Last Call for Video Poker in North Carolina

As reported by the Jackson Daily News: “Sheriff Ed Brown, a longtime
supporter of a proposed ban on video-poker machines, said Wednesday’s House
vote to approve a phaseout of the gambling machines by summer 2007 is the
right move. “‘It should have been done a long time ago,’ he said. “The state
House passed the measure with a resounding 114-1 vote Wednesday. The bill is
now pending in the state Senate, where a vote is expected on Monday. The
Senate has passed similar measures in previous sessions but lacked House
support for such action to become law. “Currently, video poker machines
aren’t illegal; there are about 10,000 legal machines in the state. An
establishment can only have a maximum of three machines and must register
them with their county sheriff’s department. “The problem is that many
machines are operated illegally, either by not registering them or by giving
out cash prizes to winners instead of the legal $10 merchandise prize.”