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Full House for Calgary

As reported by the Calgary Sun: “It’s a full house when it comes to casinos
in Calgary and no further gambling dens will be approved for the foreseeable
future, says Alberta Gaming Minister Gordon Graydon. “Graydon said Calgary,
with six casinos and a seventh in the works, is at the saturation point for
a city of its size, and he doubts Alberta Gaming will allow another to open
here until the demand significantly increases. “Graydon said the $44 million
Stampede Casino, which will open in 2008, doesn’t count as a new facility,
as it will replace the old casino, while offering more ‘bells and whistles.’
“.As well, Graydon said the Tsuu T’ina Nation casino, which is approved and
is expected to undergo construction in the next year, will not be affected
by the ban on further facilities.”