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Albany Track Project Opponents Say They Have Signatures for Ballot Measure

As reported by the San Francisco Business Times: “Opponents of a mall and
housing development proposed at Albany’s Golden Gate Fields racetrack said
they expect to qualify a measure on the November ballot that could kill or
limit the $300 million project. “The opponents said Tuesday they collected
almost 2,400 signatures of Albany voters, qualifying the Albany Shoreline
Protection Initiative on the November 2006 ballot. The measure would impose
a two-year development moratorium along the Albany waterfront and establish
a committee to come up with an alternative development plan.

“…Caruso’s firm proposes 450,000 square feet of stores and restaurants as
well as up to 200 housing units on 45 acres of bayfront property. The land
is owned by Magna Entertainment Corp., a Canadian racetrack operator…”