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Disabled Find Opportunities With Online Bingo

The online bingo industry is a rapidly growing phenemon and it brings with
it more than just online bingo games, it also creates a new trend in
employment. Online bingo websites employ thousands of people as Chat Hosts,
who manage and oversee the chat rooms that players frequent while they are
playing bingo. This unique new trend in employement provides an alternative
employment opportunity for those who are not able to work in a traditional
workplace. Mary (not her real name) is a prime example of how the online
bingo employment boom works to the advantage of thousands of people. She had
a steady job in a bakery until 3 years ago when she fell down a flight a
stairs and seriously injured her spine. She has been in rehabilitative
therapy, but is not able to stand on her feet all day as required in her old
job. During her free time, Mary plays online bingo at She
doesn’t play daily, but she plays frequently enough that she knows many of
the players and all the chat hosts at the site. On a whim, unable to
continue working in the bakery, she inquired about employment as a chat host
with the site. She has since joined thousands of others like her, working in
the online bingo industry and finds it suits her limitations and lifestyle.
Mary says: “I honestly didn’t think I would ever be able to find a job that
would accept my limitations, but has allowed me to hold down
a full time job and earn a decent living. I love being a chat host and would
urge anyone who is in my kind of situation to do the same.” Mary’s situation
illustrates the underground employment boom occuring in the online bingo
sector. It demonstrates the power of the internet and provides a glimpse of
how people will be employed in the future. Call it telecommuting at its
finest. All Mary needs is a working computer and a stable internet
connection. She can live anywhere in the world and is a work for hire
employee responsible for her own tax obligations. The employer doesn’t need
to provide office space or incur any of the typical overhead costs
associated with direct employees. Mary receives a work schedule and reports
to the site when required to work her shift and although she is monitored by
a supervisor, she is basically working autonomously. It is a unique
employment option for those who are not able to work in a traditional