Fledgling gamblers who don't possess a sophisticated sense of strategy may want to play roulette online, at least as a warm-up. Online roulette is simple to learn, fun to play, and requires no gamesmanship, bluffing, or other strategies. Playing roulette is not too dissimilar from buying a lottery ticket where your odds of success are one in 38.
Thirty-eight-to-one odds are pretty good compared with those you face in your typical state lottery. Of course, the payout is proportional to the risk, so you're unlikely to win a million dollars with a single one-dollar bet. But there are ways to be sensible when betting on the giant wheel, even though each separate trial is completely independent of its predecessor.
Play Roulette Online and Win!
One of the smartest moves you can make when you play roulette online is to make the straight bet. While your odds are longer of winning, the payout is almost commensurate with the risk, though the odds are still slightly tilted in the house's direction. A straight bet pays 35:1, and your odds of winning are typically (though not always) 38:1. As such, this is effectively an even-money bet, which is a hard thing to find in any online casino.
You can always opt for a serial bet as well, which gives you more potential winning numbers. Naturally, the payouts are smaller, but if you're playing for longevity, a street bet or six-number bet is a good way to make the fun last. Many experts will tell you that your best odds of making a quick haul are by placing one lump sum on "evens" or "odds," or "reds" and "blacks." Here you have an essentially 50-50 shot at winning, though the presence of two green numbers lowers those odds by a few percentage points.