Online Roulette Poker is just another name for Roulette. There really is not a combination of Roulette and poker that exists only on the internet. When you are talking about online Roulette Poker, you are just talking about Roulette when gambling for real money.
What is Online Roulette Poker?
Well, online Roulette refers to the traditional gambling game that involves a wheel, a ball and a table. The rules are relatively simple. You just have to guess what number the ball is going to land on. There are many different betting options that will pay different amounts. The lower the odds of getting it right, the higher the payout.
Online poker could be many things. There are multiple different versions of online poker that can be played. You can play against the odds of getting a certain hand (Video Poker), you can play against the house (Three Card Poker, Caribbean Stud ... ) or you can play against other normal people (poker table).
If you are looking for a game that is a combination of the two games, someone is messing with you or you know something that many casinos and I do not know. It might be out there, but I would be very skeptical to play it.