The Effect of Gambling
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
Dec 1, 2006
Problems of gambling
in brief:
For many of us gambling
is nothing more than a mere pass time or way to
socialize with friends and loved ones. However very few
of us may be aware of the fact that gambling ahs a
darker side too that gambling ahs a darker side too.
Gambling is fun and entertainment in the initial stages.
A person may never know that he or she has fallen victim
to pathological gambling, a condition which many of us
are suffering from. As similar to all other addiction or
substance abuse the pathological gambling thrives very
well in secrecy. The worst part of it is that it can
even possibly lead to a lot of other problems mainly
legal problems, financial problems, depression or
suicidality. Those who suffer most and have to face the
hard realities are the family members and the close
friends of a pathological gambler. This problem of
gambling is not an easy one to handle. However an honest
approach along
with the backup support of family and friends can really
help in reducing the chances of gambling.
Effects of gambling:
effects of gambling
when it becomes an addiction may bring an enormous
social, economical and psychological implication to not
only the gambler but also to all the individuals in and
around him and the society at large.
economic effects of problem and pathological gambling to
society are under intense debate as the true economic
costs are difficult to sort out. But, most of us may be
aware of the fact that on a personal level many problem
and pathological gamblers and their families suffer
great economic losses due to gambling.
A recent survey held on pathological gamblers has
concluded that at least 70-80
percent of pathological gamblers commit crimes, and do
not typically have a history of criminal behavior
otherwise. This fact will be clearer if we have a look
at the comprehensive study of all U.S. counties between
19 77 and 1996 showed that 8 % of all the crime observed
in the casino counties in the year 1996 was attributed
in the casinos and concluded that
aggravated assault,
rape, burglary, robbery, larceny, and car theft are
higher in counties with casinos.

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