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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events


The People’s Republic of China have been considering legalizing onlinecasino gambling, according to Tony Tong, CEO of Pacific Net, a company thatsells Baccarat machines. Macau is already a casino capital, and that iswhere the government would more then likely license companies there.Currently, the government takes around 40 percent of the house winnings inMacau, which means […]

New admission adds gift of London casino chips to trips, favors

The full extent of Ohio Congressman Bob Ney’s corruption became clear Fridaywhen the Justice Department released his admission to accepting thousands ofdollars’ worth of gambling chips from a businessman in London, and to takingtrips and favors from others he agreed to help in Con gress. Ney agreed toplead guilty to two felony counts, with the […]

Legalize video gambling? It’s worth debate

Many people who play video poker might want more than amusement for theirquarters, but they don’t expect to become rich, any more than many peoplewho play the lottery. One form of gambling has the player matching witsagainst a machine. The other lets players daydream about what it would belike to be rich. The former is […]


North Dakota Republican will not be lining up to support Frist onlinegambling ban attempt. Not all Republicans are lining up to support U.S.Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s call to ban Internet gambling. NorthDakota State Rep. Jim Kasper says: “My fellow Republicans just don’t get it”when it comes to Internet gambling, reports Internet In July, […]

Gambling group to get top retail site

Kirkham-based Goldrush Amusements, which currently has an amusement arcadefurther down Market Street, will take over the former Booths supermarket onthe corner of Market Street and St George’s Street. Chorley Council gave thego-ahead for the scheme this week. Today the town’s Chamber of Trade saidthey were “very disappointed” with the move in what is considered a […]

French Arrest Austrians Over Gambling

Police on Friday jailed the co-chief executives of Austrian online companyBWIN for allegedly violating French gaming laws, police and judicialofficials said. Manfred Bodner and Norbert Teufelberger were arrested at thetraining center of AS Monaco, a first division soccer club where they wereto hold a news conference, a police official said. BWIN has links to severalfirst […]

Internet Gambling Bill likely to pass, two hundred thousand voters contacted

Although the Internet gambling bill is gaining momentum, politicians whovote in favor of banning online gambling may be in serious jeopardy oflosing their jobs come election time.A lobbyist told EOG that the Internetgambling bill is likely to pass.He states, “Disguised in a huge defensebill, do you want to try and be the one guy to […]

Is Louisiana Economy Betting Too Much On Gambling With Texan Candidate

Louisiana has pinned high hopes on its casinos to play a major role in thestate’s economic recovery in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.Yet this stream of revenue could well run dry if maverick Texangubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman has his way. Kinky has pledged that,if elected Governor on November 7, one of his first […]

Gambling group courts Cincinnati

Backers of a proposal that would permit slot machines in Ohio might ante upmillions of dollars for the city of Cincinnati to coax that city’s leadersto look favorably on the plan. Charles Ruma, who owns Beulah Park racetrackand who is the chairman of the Ohio Learn and Earn Committee, said yesterdaythat a charitable foundation could […]

Gambling Ban Possible While More Than 5,000 Call In Opposition

Senator Bill Frist is fighting for his supporters in the conservative FamilyResearch Council who want to ban internet gambling while more than 5,000phone calls poured into different US senator offices over the past week inopposition to the proposed ban. Frist and his Christain conservative backersappear to be on the winning hand of this battle as […]

Online Gambling Exec Freed

Peter Dicks has resigned his job as chairman of Sportingbet PLC, but heregained his freedom as New York authorities lifted the threat ofextradition to Louisiana hanging over his head and returned his passport.Mr.Dicks, 64, was detained last week after arriving at New York’s JFK Airportfrom London, where customs officers were alerted to an outstanding warrantfor […]

London shares close flat, gambling sector woes overshadow banking gains UPDATE

Leading shares closed flat, giving up earlier gains in the last few minutesof trade as investors took profits at the end of a volatile session and withanother chapter in the gambling sector saga overshadowing gains in mortgagebanking stocks, dealers said. The FTSE 100 index closed just 0.2 pointslower at 5,877.0 in a volatile session that […]

Weekend jail for gambling granny

GAMBLING grandmother Lorraine Wilson will find herself behind bars everyweekend over the next few months.The manager of a Co-op store who stoleĀ£56,000 in takings to fund her gambling addiction has been given a newsentencing option which is being pioneered in Herts.Judge Stephen Warner atSt Albans Crown Court handed her a 36-week jail sentence but said […]

States must do more on problem gambling

Congressman Martin T. Meehan is pushing for federal legislation to fight theproblems surrounding compulsive gambling. The Lowell Democrat is on theright track. But more needs to be done.Meehan is the chief sponsor of theComprehensive Awareness of Problem Gambling Act of 2006. The bill would usefederal money to study and combat problem gambling.States across the countryhave […]