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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Will U.S. go after online gambling? You can bet on it

The hot-button topics in Britain these days regarding the Americans aren’tonly about Iraq. It’s also about business. The CEOs of two British Internetgambling sites (both publicly listed) were arrested this summer when theywere changing planes on U.S. soil. More have been targeted and legislatorsare looking at other options to prevent Americans from betting online. Theact […]

Gambling arrests followed firm’s complaint that French law was anti-European

Bwin Interactive, the firm behind BetandWin, filed a formal complaint inMarch to the European Commission, company spokeswoman Karin Klein toldOUT-LAW. The complaint claims that France’s gambling monopoly breachesArticle 49 of the EC Treaty which enshrines the freedom to provide crossborder services. “It asks the Commission to force France to comply with EClaw on the freedom […]

French curbs on gambling face challenge

France was likely to face a legal challenge from the European Commissionover its restrictions on gambling operators, Brussels said on Tuesday,warning it could target Paris as early as next month in a broader sweepagainst national governments. The threat was made following last week’sarrest in France of two senior executives of Bwin, an Austrian online sportsbetting […]

Lawmakers Address Pennsylvania Gambling Law

As reported by the (Harrisburg) Herald-Standard: “A cleanup of the state’stwo-year gambling law is becoming the most prominent issue on lawmakersplates as they begin returning from summer recess in the next two weeks. “Aseries of hearings are being held in House and Senate chambers to findcommon ground on more than 40 measures to fix the […]

Gambling issue gathers enough signatures needed for fall ballot

The campaign behind a proposal to expand gambling in Ohio submitted enoughvalid signatures in its second attempt to get the initiative on the Novemberballot, state elections officials said Tuesday. The group, which ispromoting a plan to put slot machines at Ohio’s seven horse racetracks andtwo freestanding sites in downtown Cleveland, failed in its initial attemptlast […]

Online Gambling Gaining Popularity

The Web sites are getting some big numbers and young visitors, and therehave been reports of some servers just unplugging and taking people’s moneywithout ever being heard from again. In a one-week period, more than half amillion gamblers ages 14 to 22 go online to wage real-money bets. For many,it can quickly become an expensive […]

Former State Teamsters Boss Arrested on Gambling Charges

A former state teamsters boss has been arrested after authorities found morethan $1 million stashed in the wall of his home as part of an investigationinto a video gambling operation. John Neal was arrested during a trafficstop near his Daleville-area home. He’s facing felony charges ofprofessional gambling, promoting professional gambling, money laundering andcorrupt business influence. […]

Monthly Statements on Your Gambling Loss?

The Las Vegas Sun looks at a former gambler who is coming after theindustry. The morality of gambling is not really an open topic in Las Vegas.If you are really uncomfortable being around it and are opposed to it, don’tlive here. You will hear the sound of slot machines in every grocery storeand corner store. […]

Namibia: Namugongo Arrested Over Fake Licences for Gambling

A WELL-KNOWN television commentator and senior employee in the Ministry ofEnvironment and Tourism, Sackey Namugongo, is behind bars after he wasarrested on fraud-related charges. Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)officials and the Namibian Police swooped on Namugongo at WindhoekInternational Airport yesterday morning as he returned from a trip toJohannesburg, South Africa. Namugongo faces charges related to theproduction and […]

EU wants open gambling

The European Commission said on Monday that it was prepared to target moremembers states deemed to be stifling free competition in the sports gamblingsector. The move came after the arrest in France last week of two heads ofthe Bwin internet gambling group over alleged contravention of Frenchgambling monopolies. The Austro-German gambling group announced on Saturdaythat […]

LaFollette mayor gets probation, fine in gambling case

LaFollette Mayor Clifford Jennings received six months of unsupervisedprobation and a $4,500 fine Monday for charges in an illegal gambling case.Jennings was originally charged with aggravated gambling promotion, afelony. But in July the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor when hepleaded no contest in a deal with prosecutors. Three other people charged inthe case entered […]

Is it time for the state to start treating this vice the way it does other vices?

Indiana House Minority Leader B. Patrick Bauer, D-South Bend, has a curioustake on the current video-gambling controversy. It’s all the fault ofRepublican Gov. Mitch Daniels’ administration, which has “pushed the issue”to the point where the legislature may have to decide soon whether to makethe machines legal or not. By cracking down on the American Legion […]

Acid killing linked to gambling debt

CHAU MA had returned from a morning walk with the dog when a man whoappeared to be a courier banged on the front door of her home in Concordwith a package for her husband, Dominic Li. When she summoned him to thedoor he was “violently and brutally” attacked and doused in hydrochloricacid as part of […]

Bill offers new form of gambling as transportation salve

RICHMOND, Va. State legislators are considering a new form of pari-mutuelbetting aimed at horse racing fans to help pay for transportation projects.Newport News Delegate Phil Hamilton filed the bill for the GeneralAssembly’s special session that starts next week. The legislation would pavethe way for “instant racing,” a game in which bettors can wager on racesthat […]