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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

OSU trustees oppose Learn and Earn gambling issue

In a surprise move yesterday, the Ohio State University Board of Trusteescame out in strong opposition to the Learn and Earn issue on November’sballot that would allow casino and slot gambling in Ohio. “If we are silentit implies we support it because we could benefit from it,” said trustee LesWexner, Limited Brands founder. “I think […]

Former Teamster’s boss formally charged in gambling ring

The accused ring leader of the state’s largest suspected illegal gamblingring faced a judge and official charges Friday. The Madison CountyProsecutor filed 71 counts against former Teamster’s boss John Neal,accusing him of illegal gambling, money laundering and corruption. For 72hours, the man prosecutors claim controlled illegal operations at dozens ofcentral Indiana taverns sat behind jail […]

Gambling foes to gather

The Rev. Patrick Walsh understands slot machines at Seven Springs may be adone deal. But though most of those playing the quarters at the popularresort likely will be from out of town, Walsh is concerned about theimplications gambling could have on families closer to home. “You can’t sayit’s not going to impact people in our […]

Entire state must vote on gambling issue

West Virginia’s gambling industry plans another push in the Legislature nextyear for local option elections to allow table games at the state’s fourracetrack casinos.In preparation for next year’s effort, a poll released by the state RacingAssociation earlier this week shows 61 percent of West Virginians favorlocal option elections, up from 51 percent in a similar […]

Internet Gambling Survives Another Attempted Ban

Senator Bill Frist attempted to attach the Internet Gambling Bill to aMilitary Defense Bill but received much unexpected opposition and sourcessay that attempt is now dead. Although the online gaming industry isbreathing another sigh of relief the fight is not over yet. Senator Frist,from Iowa, is looking to run for president in 2008 and he […]

Senate Decides Online Gambling Stands Alone

During the month of September, cable and television networks paradedprograms on the subject of online and offshore gaming. These programs airedjust in time to stir up more debate as lawmakers on Capitol Hill were poisedto vote on whether or not to attach an online gambling ban to the currentdefense bill. One network program on the […]

Sampdoria striker gets two month ban for gambling offence

Sampdoria striker Francesco Flachi has been suspended for two months by theItalian Football League following an investigation into allegations hehelped gather information for gamblers. The Football League’s disciplinarycommission ruled that Flachi had “sought to gain information on the outcomeof games” for a third party. Flachi’s former Samp team mate MorisCarrozzieri, now with Atalanta, was also […]

Investigators: Suspect In Gambling Probe Could Have $4M Stashed

A former state Teamsters boss accused of money laundering and helping to runa multicounty video gambling operation could still have $4 million stashedsomewhere, investigators say. A magistrate on Wednesday ordered John Nealheld with a cash bond set at $2 million because prosecutors argue he is aflight risk.Earlier this week, authorities raided Neal’s Yorktown home, seizing […]

Ohio’s Gambling Foes Speak To About Slots Proposal

Ohio Governor Bob Taft and US Senator George Voinovich have talked withstate higher education officials about a plan to pay for collegescholarships with slot machines. The two politicians have been outspokenopponents of casino gambling. Taft has asked the Ohio Board of Regents tostudy the proposal, which will go before voters November Seventh. Slotswould be allowed […]

Online Gambling CEO Sets Sights on U.S.

Despite the recent spate of online gambling related arrests in America,incoming Sportingbet Plc CEO, Andrew McIver, has announced that the popularonline sports betting website will continue to market to U.S. based onlinegamblers. Clearly McIver has balls of titanium and does not intend onvacationing in the United States anytime soon! He has replaced Peter Dickswho was […]

Internet gambling trend grows

Earlier this year, a study released shows that 600,000 young adults betweenthe ages of 14 to 22 have reported gambling on the Internet on a weeklybasis. The study, conducted by the Annenberg Foundation, also found the agegroup had the highest rate of gambling addictions. “I like gambling becauseof the high risk/high reward idea, but I […]

Gambling ring may affect election, rep says

The legalization of video gambling is gaining attention this week after 40arrests and the seizure of millions of dollars in the case of John Neal. Thefallout could change this year’s election. Neal, a former Teamster boss, wasarrested in Daleville Monday on charges relating to a video gambling ring inthe region. The arrest came after an […]

Pokies-led gambling on rise

The total net takings from gambling in the year 2004-2005 were $15.5billion, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This was up from$13.8 billion four years earlier. The preferred form of gambling is inpokies, with takings now reaching $8.7 billion, or $1 billion more than in2000-2001. Other major sources were off-course TAB takings ($2.1 billion),casino […]

Conference highlights addiction

Stories of suicide, bankruptcy and broken families were heard at aninternational problem gambling conference held in Auckland. A New Zealandteenager has even written a song about how his mother’s addiction made hislife hell. Although there are less gambling addicts seeking help this year,researchers say it may be a simple blip caused by anti-smoking laws. “Youdon’t […]