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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Decrease in Gambling Treatment Calls Attributed to End of TouchPlay

Gambling addiction counselors say unplugging the Iowa Lottery’s TouchPlay games has made a big difference in Iowa’s gambling climate. They say, when the legislature banned the machines last March, the calls to gambling treatment hotlines dropped off. The machines were in more than 6,000 grocery stores, bars and convenience stores. A counselor for gambling addicts […]

European Commission threatens legal action on gambling

The European Commission today threatened legal action against France, Italyand Austria for restricting sports betting and gambling services, includingbanning foreign online gaming and casino operators. Its move, bringing tonine the number of EU countries whose gambling legislation is underinvestigation, was hailed as a shot in the arm by the ?50bn European bettingsector – several of […]

Online gambling – All bets off?

With the US government cracking down on online gambling, what are the oddsfor the industry in America? It’s an impressive list: the September arrestof Peter Dicks, non-executive chairman of Sportingbet; the July arrest ofDavid Carruthers, chief executive of BetonSports; and legislation passed bythe US House of Representatives in July to prohibit banks and credit cardcompanies […]

Online gambling companies “coming together” at EiG

“One thing you need to realize is that this industry has always been undersiege and probably always will be,” said Sue Schneider, CEO of River CityGroup in her welcoming remarks to attendees of the European I-GamingCongress and Exhibition (EiG) Wednesday morning. More than 1,000 delegatesare in attendance at the Clarion Events ATE/River City Group produced […]

Gambling Advocates Hedging Their Bets

Maryland supporters of legalizing slot machines have had an outspokenchampion in Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., but some key gambling enthusiastsare now putting their money behind his Democratic opponent in the race forgovernor. Campaign records show that donations have started going toBaltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley, who has pledged to support a limitedgambling plan that would […]

It’s Voinovich vs. the forces of gambling

U.S. Sen. George Voinovich thinks he can keep casino gambling out of Ohioone way or the other. He’s not up for re-election this year, but he’straveling the state spearheading the Vote No Casinos effort that is opposinga ballot initiative to bring slot machines to Ohio’s seven race tracks andtwo sites in Cleveland. That initiative, called […]

EU asks Austria, France, Italy for information on gambling laws

The European Commission said it has asked Austria, France and Italy to provide information on national legislation restricting the supply of certain gambling services. The move follows similar requests issued to Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. The commission said it wants to ascertain whether the countries’ measures are compatible with EU […]

Electronic Clearing House says gambling act to hit 2007 results

Electronic Clearing House Inc. on Wednesday said a portion of its businessand future results of operations will be affected by the recently passedUnlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006. The company said it willphase out any services related to check processing activities for Internetgaming before the 270-day regulatory determination period expires. The lossof revenue and […]

Israel opens first horse racetrack despite protest, rabbinical condemnation, gambling ban

Angry demonstrators and rabbis as well as a ban on gambling failed to stopthe inauguration of Israel’s first horse racetrack, as thousands of fanscheered the four-legged competitors. It’s not much at this point – just acollection of collapsable tents with a makeshift grandstand in the middle ofa field in northern Israel – but as the […]

Lobbying scandal revived drive against online gambling

When Congressman Bob Goodlatte introduced his anti-gaming legislation inFebruary, he sent a letter to his Republican colleagues in the House ofRepresentatives with a stark message: This is the bill Jack Abramoff doesnot want you to sign. Mr Goodlatte’s invocation of Mr Abramoff, the oncepowerful Republican lobbyist who was engulfed at the time in a wide-ranginglobbying […]


If a story appearing today in the Financial Times is accurate, thepresidential signing into law of the Unlawful Internet Gambling EnforcementAct is likely to be a slam-dunk. The respected publication carried a storyquoting unidentified lobbyists who summarised the events leading up to thepresentation of the Goodlatte Bill, including the exploitation of the JackAbramoff lobbying scandal […]

US gambling law claims two more London scalps

The fallout from new laws restricting internet gaming in the US cast a pallfurther across the City yesterday when two more London-listed companiessuspended operations there. Fairground Gaming and Leisure & Gaming, whichrun casino and poker websites, joined the mounting casualties fromCongress’s shock decision this month to ban banks and credit card companiesfrom processing payments from […]

Gambling Law in US Hits Home

BRITISH firms continued to feel the strain of a crackdown on internetgambling in the United States as two more firms abandoned operations acrossthe Atlantic.London-based casino Leisure & Gaming said it was “no longer appropriate” forthe company to accept US customers after Congress approved the UnlawfulInternet Gambling Enforcement Act. It also revealed it was consideringselling its […]

State Law and the Unlawful Online Gambling Act

Prior to analyzing how the new federal law interacts with state gaming law,it is necessary to have a basic understanding about the two constitutions bywhich we are all bound. Every state has a constitution that is a body oflaws that the citizens of that state must follow. There is also a federalConstitution that all citizens […]