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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Online Gambling and Online Poker Players- Its Pay Back Time Kyl!

A growing initiative to unseat Kyl from his comfortable Senate appointment.Kyl reportedly has ambitions to become the Republican majority leader in theSenate following Senator Bill Frist’s departure Both Republicans played amajor role in ramming the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act throughCongress in the closing minutes of the pre-election session, angeringmillions of Americans who regard online […]

Issues focus on smoking, gambling, wages, the arts

Smoking. Gambling. A sin tax for the arts. An increase in the minimum wage.These are among the contentious issues voters here will decide at the ballotbox November 7. Perhaps the most confusing for Ohio voters are statewideIssues 4 and 5. Both would limit smoking in public places, but to differentdegrees. Issue 4 is a constitutional […]

Gambling bank clerk jailed

Former Commonwealth Bank employee Erick Tjandra, 32, was jailed for aminimum three years on 37 counts of defrauding the bank. Over a 15-monthperiod Tjandra stole $10.4 million from the bank, $8 million of which he“poured down the throat of the casino”, District Court Judge ChristopherArmitage said today.The casino had allowed the bank clerk to play […]

Internet Gambling Ban Protestors Headed to Washington D.C.

The voices talking so loudly against the Unlawful Internet GamblingEnforcement Act (UIGEA) on forums and blogs across are the internet will beleaving their keyboards on November 3-4 and will be headed to WashingtonD.C. to protest the latest US prohibition. The purpose of the demonstrationwill be to gain press coverage from major news organizations such as […]

Web Gambling Sites Raise Stakes in Europe as U.S. Enforces Ban

PartyGaming Plc, the world’s largest online poker company, lost 75 percentof its revenue when the company shut down its U.S. sites to comply with anew law enforcing a ban on Internet gambling. That hasn’t dented ChiefExecutive Officer Mitch Garber’s optimism. “Chaos breeds opportunity and wewill seize that opportunity,” Garber said on a conference call Oct. […]

Online Gambling community plans assault on Jon Kyl

As a co-sponsor of a bill that was signed into law two weeks ago byPresident Bush, Jon Kyl, the Republican Senator from Arizona, has workedhard over the years to abolish online gambling utilizing the “family values”front. The current law would look to severely cut off some forms of onlinegambling via credit card transactions, though the […]

Legalized Video Gambling Draws New Interest After Raids

Some lobbyists pushing to legalize electronic gambling machines are findinga more receptive audience in eastern Indiana where authorities raided morethan 20 taverns accused of violating the law. Indiana Licensed BeverageAssociation officials drew about 40 bar and restaurant owners to a meetingTuesday. It was one of a series of public meetings around the state topersuade lawmakers […]

Drunkenness, Gambling, A Societal Canker?

Rev. Frank Dei, who made the disclosure said the consumption of alcohol anddrugs was threatening not only the health and education of the youth, butalso their productivity. The Rev, Minister’s observations are borne out on aregular basis by reports of students and young people engaging in bingedrinking. Just last week, eighteen final-year pupils of Adankwame […]

House shuffles gambling measure

The Pennsylvania Legislature was unable to finalize a long-awaited gamblingreform bill Tuesday night after the House amended a number of provisions,including one it claims was the result of a Senate drafting error. Thegambling reform bill was the second piece of major legislation on the agendathat lawmakers may be unsuccessful in finishing up before the Novemberelection […]

Gambling Site Taking Bets on PS3 Launch

Gambling site Bodog has odds up for the Playstation 3 launch. While I’mintrigued, I think the person setting the odds and deciding on the betsneeds to do a little more homework. The site still has bets up on whetherthe price will be changed before launch and whether the console will getapproval by the FDA before […]

Pa. House makes more changes to slot-machine gambling law

The unanimous vote kept the bill from going to Gov. Ed Rendell. It alsocontinued a volley between chambers that has lasted for much of the pastyear over how to fix problems identified by critics of the state’s2-year-old gambling law, with one chamber often dropping pet provisionswritten by the other. House Majority Leader Sam Smith, R-Jefferson, […]

Pa. House makes more changes to slot-machine gambling law

The unanimous vote kept the bill from going to Gov. Ed Rendell. It alsocontinued a volley between chambers that has lasted for much of the pastyear over how to fix problems identified by critics of the state’s2-year-old gambling law, with one chamber often dropping pet provisionswritten by the other. House Majority Leader Sam Smith, R-Jefferson, […]

Gambling money, false ad claims fly

Alabama’s Supreme Court chief justice race is boiling, with incumbentDrayton Nabers Jr. accusing challenger Sue Bell Cobb of taking gamblingmoney, and Cobb claiming Nabers was forced to pull a false ad. The nation’smost expensive state Supreme Court race is getting more expensive. Bothsides in the tight race plan more TV ads for the final two […]

Shanghai gangster gets death sentence for drug trafficking, gambling, other crimes

The man said to be Shanghai’s “top gangster” has been sentenced to death fordrug trafficking and other crimes. The Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate Courtfound Li Bin, 40, guilty of leading a criminal organization, trafficking indrugs, organizing attacks and illegally possessing weapons, the ShanghaiDaily reported. It said that Li’s wife and 18 members of his gang […]