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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events


The respected Bloomsberg columnist Matthew Lynn slammed the US government’sUnlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act this week, describing itsconsequences as the worst crisis in online gambling’s short history, butpredicting that major companies affected by the Act would prosper regardlessof the US challenge. “The U.S. stance on Internet gambling is illogical andmisconceived,” the columnist wrote. “Like most […]


The latest statistics from comScore Networks, specialists in measuringInternet activity, revealed the top European Internet properties forSeptember, based on data collected through its comScore World Metrixaudience ratings service. These statistics are for September and thereforedo not yet reflect the impact of the Unlawful Internet Gambling EnforcementAct. The online gambling category showed a general traffic increase […]

Ryanair to offer inflight online gambling

BUDGET airline Ryanair has struck a deal that could take online gambling onto all of its flights next year. The Irish carrier, Europe’s fastest growingairline, announced yesterday it had formed a partnership with internet bingogroup The gambling deal will initially offer an inflightlink to the Jackpotjoy website, with more than 80 online games availablewhen […]

UK to Regulate, US to go Underground

Like ripping off a bandaid, the worst may be over for large public onlinegaming companies that have shut down their United States Web sites. OnHalloween, the UK government announced it has designs to regulate Internetgambling. Critical of the U.S government decision to effectively ban gamingtransactions, UK officials said the gaming law made in haste will […]


Ontario politicians may be trying to pass legislation banning onlinegambling adverts in the province, but elsewhere in Canada there’s a morewelcoming attitude to the industry. The Kahnawake First Nation Mohawks inQuebec province, home to well over 300 online gambling brands and host to amultitude of company servers will soon have competition from The AlexanderFirst Nation. […]

Gambling figure pleads guilty

A Washington County restaurateur pleaded guilty Tuesday to running anillegal bookmaking business and criminal conspiracy in a nearly yearlonginvestigation of a multmillion-dollar gambling ring based in Pittsburgh.Michael “Mickey” Flynn Jr., owner of the Union Grill in downtown Washington,acknowledged coordinating the gambling ring with others, including onetimeillegal video poker kingpin John “Duffy” Conley, formerly of the […]

UK online gambling has more than doubled in past five years

The research was commissioned ahead of the first ever online gamblingsummit, hosted by Great Britain at Royal Ascot today. The summit will seekto secure international standards for the regulation of online, interactiveTV and mobile phone gambling. The research shows: there are nearly onemillion regular online blers in Britain alone;> they make up nearlyone-third of Europe’s […]

Pennsylvania casinos hold problem gambling seminars

As reported by the Pennsylvania Express Times: “Both of the Lehigh Valley’scasino hopefuls have invited social workers to learn about the warning signsand treatment options for compulsive gamblers. “Lehigh Valley Tropicana,hoping to operate in Allentown, and Bethlehem applicant Las Vegas SandsCorp. say they will hold their seminars even without a casino license fromthe Pennsylvania Gaming […]

Panel: Gambling Impact Is Positive

What was intended as a forum on table gambling turned into a discussion onvideo gambling, its journey and its impact on the region’s future. ”I thinkit was a very good forum, and the participants asked all of us very goodquestions,î said state Sen. Ed Bowman, D-Hancock, following the forum heldMonday evening at West Liberty State […]

UK Gov woos online gambling firms

The government today began pimping Britannia out to online gambling firms.The Department for Culture Media and Sport is hosting a conference at RoyalAscot aimed at bagging a lovely slice of pork as the industry realises itsdays of Wild West tax dodging are behind it. Or, if you believe TessaJowell, it’s all about protecting the kids. […]

U.S. Law Causing Turmoil in Online Gambling Industry

The online gambling industry is undergoing a seismic shift just weeks aftera new law cut off much of the business in the United States. Big publiccompanies have lost billions of dollars in market value and millions ofcustomers as they shut their United States Web sites for sports betting,poker and other games. Those companies are anxiously […]

Jowell seeks net gambling deal

Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell is to seek an international agreement on howto regulate the internet gambling industry. She will make the bid at thefirst international summit on the global impact of the industry. It alreadyboasts one million regular punters in this country. Ms Jowell will urgedelegates to act to protect children and other vulnerable people […]

Professional Poker Players React to Online Gambling Bill

Over the past several weeks I asked have asked dozens of professional pokerplayers their reaction to the recently passed internet gaming law. What Iactually asked each player was: “Do you have a sound byte comment on theUnlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act?” Here is a summary of the player’scomments in categories that collectively represent their various […]

Methodist Church backs global regulation of internet gambling

The Methodist Church in Great Britain has reiterated its concern about thealarming increase in gambling through the internet, and has urge the UKgovernment to press forward with a global agreement to restrict itsunfettered growth. Speaking in advance of today’s International Summit onOnline Gambling, hosted by the Department for Culture Media and Sport,Anthea Cox, Coordinating Secretary […]