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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

State police gambling sting

State police investigators say a retired trooper has turned to a life ofcrime. KATC’s David D’aquin was there when the former enforcer was read hisrights. CJ Melancon was a long time Louisiana state trooper. Now police sayhe’s running a gambling operation used by more than 1,000 people per week.He’s accused of money laundering and felony […]

Italy Set To Hand Out Online Gambling Licenses

The USA might have tried to ban online gambling simply to regulate it downthe line, at least that’s what Italy is in the process of doing. The latestnews from that government is a plan to auction off as many as 17,000gambling licenses including permits for online casinos and poker rooms. Thestart of 2007 will mark […]

Gambling with Freedom

Your after-tax income belongs to you. You are free to spend it, invest it,waste it, burn it, or tithe it–and none of that is any politicians’business. But if some lawmakers have their way, soon you won’t be able togamble your money away on the Internet. In October, the Senate passed a billenhancing port security, and […]

Court Rejects Sportwetten Gera Complaint Against Ban

Germany’s highest court dismissed a complaint by Internet sports bettingcompany Sportwetten Gera GmbH against a ban imposed by the state ofSaxony-Anhalt two years ago. “Sportwetten Gera wanted the immediate ban tobe abolished,” Rainer Nitzschke, director of the German association ofprivate sports betting companies, said by telephone today. “This didn’thappen. Customers from Saxony-Anhalt will therefore be […]

Police seize gambling machines

Three separate gambling operations in Selma were taken down simultaneouslyas police made five arrests and seized 17 video gaming machines, each valuedat $8,000. A sixth person is wanted by authorities, who police said ran anillegal gambling and bootleg liquor operation. There were five machinesseized at the Lawrence St. Grocery in Selma on Wednesday. Marcus Hopkins,53, […]

Moscow Sends Gambling Industry a Bill

The Moscow City Duma amended a law on Thursday that manages gamblingindustry, making requirements for owners of casinos and slot-machine hallsstricter. The gambling industry is unfazed by the changes as no laws cansurpass the new federal law which nearly bans gambling in Russia in 2009.The Moscow legislature passed the city law a day after the […]

Italy to Auction 17,000 Online Poker & Gambling Licenses

Seen as yet another indicator towards liberalization of gamblingrestrictions in Europe, the Italian government has announced that it willauction off 17,000 licenses for betting shops, kiosks, casinos as well asfor online casinos, poker rooms and sportsbooks. This is in preparation forJanuary 1st, when all Italians will be able to legally play online poker. Inspite of […]

German gambling ban upheld

A German court has announced that it has rejected a constitutional challengeto a ban on online sports gambling from an internet sports betting company.The company was not named in court papers. The nameless company has quoted aMarch 1990 judgment in the state of Thuringia, going back to the days ofEast and West Germany, which permitted […]

Gambling shop ordered to close

Rotorua gaming machine venue Whiskey Jack’s has been ordered to close forbreaching the Gambling Act. The Gambling Commission backed a Department ofInternal Affairs’ decision not to renew the venue’s licence. First SovereignTrust, which operates the machines at Whiskey Jack’s, has been told to shutup shop immediately. Internal Affairs decided not to renew Whiskey Jack’slicence because […]

Gambling Bill Passes Reading

A bill that would close most casinos and slot-machine halls in the country –including Moscow and St. Petersburg – cleared a third and final readingWednesday in the State Duma. To become law, the bill still needs theapproval of the Federation Council and of President Vladimir Putin, whosubmitted the draft in October.The bill received the support […]

New policy on gambling

Protecting children and preventing crime and disorder have been revealed askey policies of Lancaster’s new gambling policy. Members of the city councilhave also agreed to help residents living close to businesses involvinggambling to have a say on new licences. As part of the Gambling Act 2005,the council is set to take on responsibility for premises […]

Gambling proposal calls for an alliance between long-time competitors

Why am I not surprised that on Wednesday, the Austin American-Statesman,Dallas Morning News and Fort Worth Star-Telegram all reported that aproposal to broadly expand gambling in Texas is in the works in Austin? Hey,gambling-expansion proposals have emerged every two years in Texas since theearly 1990s, just before each Legislature convened. What is different aboutthis proposal? […]

The highs and lows of online gambling

Online gambling continued its rise in 2006 despite some tough decisions bythe US government to restrict the practice in America. Major sporting eventssuch as the World Cup pushed traffic on gambling sites even higher, withresearch group Nielsen//NetRatings claiming that more than one million UKpunters went online on the first Saturday of the competition to read […]

Philadelphia wins final OK for casino gambling

Pennsylvania gambling regulators cleared the way Wednesday for Philadelphiato become the nation’s largest city with a casino, while rejecting DonaldTrump’s bid for a slot-machine parlor and plans for another casino near theGettysburg battlefield. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board chose fromamong 13 groups of casino giants, politically connected investors,celebrities and nationally known developers when it awarded […]