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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Almost 30 video gambling machines seized

A video gambling machine raid in Ashburn Wednesday night proves successful.Police seized 28 machines at six different stores. Police say some customerswere using their welfare checks to gamble on the machines. “This wassomething that was just taking their money and is a violation of the law.This is the first successful operation. This is not the […]

Ranong strictly prohibits officials from gambling

Ranong Province warns state officials not to get involved in all forms ofgambling, especially lottery. They will face both criminal charges anddisciplinary punishments if they do. Ranong Governor Kanchanapa Keeman addedthat the province also bans officials from listening to or watching programsbroadcasting government lottery drawing. She said officials should set agood example for the general […]

Partygaming looks to buy Empire gambling sites

Sector leader PartyGaming said on Thursday it was in talks to buy part ofEmpire, which confirmed it was selling gaming assets to become an investmentcompany.“It’ll include Empire’s Noble Poker and Club Dice casino sites,” said oneindustry source, adding that the deal was expected to be completed by theend of this week. PartyGaming is leading the […]

Just What A.C. Needs: More Gambling

Casino impresario Steve Wynn is so needed in Atlantic City that a statesenator has suggested turning Boardwalk Hall into a casino for Wynn, writesthe Inquirer’s Suzette Parmley. There’s no real legislation he’s planning,but he did float the idea to see how “anyone who has an interest” wouldrespond. His model for the $3 billion renovation he’s […]

Gambling duo prove there’s no tax on luck

Brian and Terry Leblanc were once a couple of average guys, spending theirdays washing windows and their nights drinking beer and watching sports ontelevision. In the late 1980s, the brothers won about $90,000 at Toronto’sWoodbine race track and decided to put that money toward more sportsbetting. Within a few years, the Leblancs were managing a […]

L.I. Gambling and Drug Rings Are Broken Up, Authorities Say

A sophisticated Long Island gambling ring that took in $8.6 million a yearwas broken up with the arrest of 14 people, the Suffolk County districtattorney said on Wednesday. The district attorney, Thomas J. Spota, saidthat the 14-month investigation also uncovered lucrative marijuana andfireworks smuggling rackets that were run by the chief bookmaker, SalvatoreGerrato, 45, of […]

PartyGaming Confirms Talks To Buy Empire’s Online Gambling Assets

Online gambling firm Partygaming has confirmed it is in talks to buy thegaming assets of smaller rival Empire Online. Analysts said the deal couldbe worth about $40m (£20.4m), and would probably include Empire’s NoblePoker and Club Dice Casino websites. Shares in Partygaming rose 2.5% on thenews in mid-day trading in London. The company has been […]

A year in review. Online casinos and Gambling May

Part two in a series of news reviews covering the online casino and gamblingsector. May – Las Vegas Sands win a casino licence to build the firstcasino in Singapore, costing three billion dollars. A bid from Coventry tooperate one of the super casinos in the U.K was thrown out by thegovernment, leaving the city’s officials […]

Gambling to save face on Iraq

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing but only afterthey’ve exhausted every other possibility.” –Winston Churchill(1874-1965),former Prime Minister of England Sometimes, when a snake tries to swallow aporcupine, it gets stuck in its throat and the predator has no choice but tospit it out. The neoconservative Bush-Cheney administration, under thepro-Israel Lobby’s […]

Gambling boss selling firm to rival company

Noam Lanir, owner of the Empire Online, will sell his remaining shares inthe gambling company to rival PartyGaming for USD 40 million. A year and ahalf after the company was put up on the London Stock Exchange, Lanir seemsto be heading out of the gambling business. Lanir will use revenues from thesale of Empire, which […]

Buyouts dominate holiday talk at Ford

Ford Motor Co. had offered him and its 75,000 other U.S. hourly workers achoice of buyout packages. One option: A $100,000 lump-sum payment to walkaway forever. No job and no health care. For hourly workers at Ford, makinga decision on the buyout offers required a combination of economiccalculations and soul searching. For Swiercz, 40, who […]

Legislation would raise minimum gambling age

Rhode Island’s minimum gambling age would be changed from 18 to 21 underlegislation that a freshman state lawmaker plans to introduce in the GeneralAssembly next week. “It’s just a vice that might be with them for a longtime,” Fellela, a mother of four, said Tuesday. “I think it’s a way ofprotecting them a little bit […]

Israeli Police Crackdown Could Have Impact Worldwide

Israeli police have begun to crack down on internet gambling operators,including those who run backgammon websites. Some of the more prominentonline gambling firms are run by Israelis including PokerStars, andTitan Poker. While the majority of Israeli owned online gambling businessesare based out of places like Gibraltar and The Isle of Man (similar to USbusinessmen […]

Legislation would raise RI minimum gambling age

A new bill being introduced in the General Assembly next week would raiseRhode Island’s minimum gambling age from 18 to 21. The bill is beingintroduced by Deborah Fellela, a Johnston Democrat who was recently electedto her first term. She says the legislation is aimed at helping teenagerssteer clear of gambling addiction and preventing them from […]