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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

It is not casino gambling but quality service that will bring the tourists

I support Mr. Christopher Ram who has given some highlights of the globalscourge of casino gambling in his letter captioned “Casinos are widelyfavoured by drug interests as laundries” (07.01.06). If the intention tointroduce casino gambling to Guyana is the result of the president’seconomic plan for the boosting of tourism then he needs to go to […]


After months of work around the world, what is arguably the biggest surveyyet of online player attitudes and opinions is due to be presented at theInternational Casino Exhibition in London at a media conference scheduledfor the 23 January. The Global Online Gambler Report was devised by leadinggambling research teams at Nottingham Trent University supported by […]

Ladbrokes Targets Spanish Gambling Market

Gambling group Ladbrokes, which operates Ladbrokes Online Casino, isexpanding its European operations by targeting the Spanish market. TheBritish bookmaker is starting an alliance with Spanish slot machine firmCirsa Slot, whose machines are found in bars and arcades. The new alliancewill apply initially for a betting licence in Madrid, which comes under newbetting regulations. The move […]

Online Gambling Targeted by Turkish Legislation

According to a Turkish newspaper, new restrictions are to be vigorouslyintroduced by Turkish authorities against ‘indecent broadcasting and onlinegambling’. The new amendment to the existing censorship laws, Article 301 ofthe Penal Code, will see the Information Technology Security Agency, censorand block offending websites in the hope of contravening offending websitesthat are ‘denigrating Turkishness, the republic, […]

HSBC penalises gambling customers

HSBC has joined the ranks of banks charging customers higher rates forgambling transactions processed on its credit cards. The bank will chargecustomers the cash advance rate of interest (up to 27.8 per cent) instead ofthe normal purchase rate (up to 22.9 per cent). A spokeswoman told BBC News:“This is one of a number of changes […]


The Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak reported this week that a controversiallaw, Penal Code Article 301, is to be applied vigorously by Turkishauthorities against *Internet crimes* that include online gambling. Thelegislation is apparently targeted on “indecent broadcasting and onlinegambling”, and the Information Technology Security Agency will have the taskof blocking broadcasts and offending sites as defined […]

West Virginia gambling debate heats up

As reported by the West Virginia Herald-Dispatch: “The debate over whethertable gambling should be allowed at West Virginia’s four racetracks mightcome down to who gets to vote on the decision, a group of panelists saidThursday. “The panel discussion was part of a legislative lookahead forumsponsored by the Associated Press at Marshall University’s Graduate Collegecampus in […]

Churches remain silent as gambling spreads

WHEN the ministerial association of Terrace, BC learned that a local bingopalace was asking city council to change a bylaw so it could bring slotmachines to their northern BC community, they knew they had to speak outagainst the proposal. Joel Ringma, the pastor of Terrace’s ChristianReformed Church, was delegated to speak at a public forum […]

Gambling Machine Bust

Law enforcement agencies confiscate 16 illegal gambling machines and severalthousand dollars from a business in Middle Valley. Police served a searchwarrant at the Putter Inn at 6937 Middle Valley Road last night. Deputiesfound video poker machines and active card games inside the facility.Approximately 50 patrons and all employees were interviewed before beingreleased. Officer Ron Rice […]

Despite ban, video poker machines still seized

Hundreds of slot machines were rolling last week in Broward County, wherecrowds thronged a new “racino” at the former Hollywood Greyhound Track,newly dubbed the Mardi Gras Racetrack and Gaming Center. At nearbyGulfstream Park, slots were introduced in mid-November and more than $77million has already flowed through its machines. Two more tracks plan toopen rooms for […]

Polls point to casino support

An organization that lobbies for expanded casino gambling in Kansas releaseda poll this week showing 46 percent of Kansans support the creation of morenontribal casinos in the state. Thirty-nine percent of the 500 respondents,all registered voters, opposed the idea, and 15 percent were undecided. Thesurvey was commissioned by Kansans for Economic Growth and was conductedNov. […]

Using gambling games in Scottish schools

It is eminently sensible to teach mathematics with reference to everydayactivities in the real world, whether that be the probability of a certaincard being dealt, a winning ticket being bought in the National Lottery, orof a particular bus arriving within the next five minutes. I recall that Iwas taught probability with reference to the outcome […]

Close Loopholes In Gambling Law

Tic Tac Fruit” could turn out to be a lemon for Ohioans unless – andpossibly even if – state legislators don’t do something about it and similar“games.” “Tic Tac Fruit” is familiar to many in East Ohio. It is a video“gaming” machine that looks and operates much like a video gambling machine.It gained popularity last […]

HSBC reportedly increasing credit card gambling charges

According to the BBC, although HSBC customers will now immediately payinterest of between 21.9% and 27.8% instead of the previous charge ofbetween 15.9% and 22.9%, they will not be charged the one-off fee applied toother cash transactions such as the purchase of foreign currency.AdvertisementThe BBC reported that, in the last year, all major banks haveprotested […]