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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Government’s approach to gambling addiction inadequate

Commenting on the British Medical Association’s call for gambling addictionto be treated on the NHS, Liberal Democrat Shadow Culture, Media and SportSecretary, Don Foster MP said: “This report highlights just how inadequatethe Government’s approach to services for gambling addiction has been. “Notonly is funding for problem gambling in the UK well below that of othercountries […]

Online Gambling Get’s Legalized in More and More Countries

Good news for the online gambling industry. Online gambling and online pokeris getting legalized in more and more countries According to and interestingonline gambling article from casinogamblingweb: After the Unlawful internetGambling Act was passed for US poker site and casino players, many Mac usersfound all their favorite rooms were closing up shop. In light of […]

UIGEA Influence on Recent Developments in the International Online Gambling Industry

In light of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), as onewould expect, the online gambling industry has indeed shifted its focus tonon-US countries. In addition, the UK has taken steps to make it morecomplex to use its services illegitimately. Meanwhile, although it may notbe quite as harsh as the UIGEA, Turkey has begun to […]

Call for better NHS gambling help

The British Medical Association report is warning that the forthcomingrelaxation in the laws may prompt a rise in problem gamblers. Doctors saidtherapy was patchy with many addiction services not screening people forgambling and the industry must invest £10m a year into research. But thegovernment said NHS services had a long history of helping people withgambling […]

Supercasinos will cause a crime wave and gambling epidemic

Supercasinos will cause a crime wave and an epidemic of problem gambling,two reports have warned. A leaked police study on the Government’scontroversial plans to introduce Las Vegasstyle casinos found they couldattract organised crime and encourage children to bet. And doctors will warnthis week that more Health Service money will be needed to treat theincreasing numbers […]

Casino gambling still keeps coming up

THE SIGNAL sent by the Guyana Government that it plans to legalise casinogambling for Cricket World Cup (CWC) 2007 and beyond, has led to a number ofChristian groups in that country closing ranks against any such move. Thegovernment does not seem prepared to back down on its plans but the churchgroups have been strident in […]

Catawbas argue before Supreme Court for its gambling rights

The Catawba Indian Nation will argue before the state’s high court onWednesday that its 13-year-old land settlement with the state allows it tooffer video gambling on its York County reservation. The tribe won in alower court, but the state is appealing. The state outlawed video gamblingyears ago and does not want to see the tribe […]

Video gambling sought in Indiana

On a Monday afternoon last month, five men and a woman sat with their backsto a checkout counter at an Interstate 65 truck stop in Southern Indiana,sliding $10 and $20 bills into a row of Cherry Master gambling machines.It’s hardly an unusual sight. Each year in Indiana — and Kentucky —millions of dollars flow into […]

Guyana: Anti-gambling protest planned

The main opposition party said Friday it is planning large demonstrations toprotest a new sales tax and legislation that would allow limited gambling inGuyana.Aubrey Norton, a lawmaker from the People’s National Congress, said theparty was appealing for people to swarm Georgetown’s commercial center andblock roads leading to the capital next week in a two-day protest. […]

Gambling to be permitted only at special places in Kazakhstan

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the law on gambling business.The law lays down “the legal foundations for organizing the gamblingbusiness in Kazakhstan,” the presidential press service said. As of April 1,2007, the gambling will be permitted in Kazakhstan only at two specialplaces: the Shchuchinsko-Borovskaya resort area (Akmolinsk region) and onthe right bank of the Kapshagai […]

Gambling lawmaker may not get promised seat on Pa. gaming board

Mark McNaughton, a Republican who left the House after 10 years representingpart of Dauphin County, was named by since-ousted House Speaker John Perzelon the last day of the 2005-06 legislative session. On Thursday, HouseRepublican leader Sam Smith of Jefferson County told McNaughton he will notchoose him, Smith’s spokesman said. While Smith has not decided whom […]

Casinos balk at state surcharge on gambling

An effort by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to take 5 percent ofslot-machine revenues to finance regulation of the new gambling industry hasbeen stopped in its tracks by protests from casino owners and legislators.With the board just several weeks away from running out of the money loanedto it by the state last summer, board officials […]

Convenience stores raided for illegal gambling

Roberta police seized thousands of dollars Thursday night after raidingthree Roberta covenenience stores allegedly paying cash illegally for videogame winnings.“We hit all three at once,” Roberta Police Chief Jackie Cooper said thismorning. “They’re paying off in cash so they’re gambling machines.”Officers, working in conjunction with the Fort Valley Police Department,seized money from more than a […]