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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events


The California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs released a study onthe prevalence of problem gambling “in the nation” this week, but did notidentify which company conducted the research, how big a sample it coveredor whether it was confined solely to land gambling. The department’s Officeof Problem Gambling (OPG) said that the study had revealed […]

Casino – a colossal blunder

As The Gazette launches its most important ever campaign – to saveBlackpool’s casino and regeneration dreams – SHELAGH PARKINSON and NICK HYDEspeak to those who believe it is vital we keep fighting That is message asthe dust settles on the resort’s supercasino snub. Amazement, anger,bewilderment – the list is endless when trying to describe the […]

Casino gambling war is officially on in Legislature

Heading into the second third of this legislative session, the casinogambling war officially is on, and opposition forces wasted no time Tuesdaywith words and threats. In the House, a longtime foe, Delegate KelliSobonya, R-Cabell, is preparing 40 amendments to the proposal that would letvoters in dog-and-horse track counties of Hancock, Jefferson, Ohio andKanawha vote on […]

Conference tackles problem gambling

The 10th annual Educational and Awareness Conference sponsored by theKentucky Council of Problem Gambling will be held Thursday and Friday at theHoliday Inn North in Lexington. Arch Gleason, president of the KentuckyLottery Corp., and Keith Whyte, executive director of the National Councilon Problem Gambling in Washington, D.C., will be among the conferencespeakers. The conference will […]

Taking a punt on new casinos

MANCHESTER has beaten off the more fancied Blackpool and Greenwich in therace to host the UK’s first Las Vegas-style super casino. Scarborough andLeeds are to get smaller casinos too. Altogether, there will be 17 newgambling houses built across the country. But where does yesterday’sannouncement leave York’s chances of one day having its own casino? And […]

Gambling problem can affect restless legs patients

The impulsive behavior that sometimes develops as a side effect of treatmentwith “dopamine agonists” drugs may not be limited just to patients withParkinson’s disease. Patients with restless legs syndrome who are treatedwith a drug belonging to this class may also be at increased risk forpathologic gambling, according to a report in the medical journal Neurology.Dopamine […]

Gambling industry touts table game legislation

Industry leaders teamed with local officials this week to tout casino-stylegambling as the doorway to more jobs and tourist bucks, while fighting offslot machine competition in cross-border Pennsylvania. Before they spoke,bipartisan bills surfaced in both the House of Delegates and Senate seekinglocal option referendums in the dog-and-horse track counties of Ohio,Jefferson, Kanawha and Hancock. And […]

Police crack down on gambling

Warner Robins Police raided three businesses Friday in a crackdown on videopoker machines. “We have a history of problems with them,” said, Lt. LanceWatson of the Warner Robins Police Department Narcotics Intelligence Unit.Watson said he was working with the District Attorney’s Office on thecrackdown on video gambling. “We gave them a warning. Kelly (Burke, DA) […]

Lottery foes try to restrict gambling, with little success

Some New York lawmakers want the state to tell lottery-ticket buyers howslim the odds are of winning, and raise the gambling age from 18 to 21 totry to discourage gambling sprees. But those who oppose change have a readyrejoinder: The state is, in effect, addicted to the billions in revenue thatLottery games generate. The status […]

The limp-wristed regulation of gambling won’t work

The decision to give Britain’s one super-casino to Manchester isinexplicable. If just one of these airless temples to 24-hour addiction isso badly needed as to require state sponsorship, then the obvious place isBlackpool – if not the Goodwin Sands. Blackpool is Britain’s citadel ofvulgarity, indulgence and self-abuse, and could have done with a boost. Itis […]

Office of Problem Gambling Releases Largest Prevalence Study in the Nation

Today, the Office of Problem Gambling (OPG) today unveiled the mostcomprehensive prevalence study of problem gambling ever conducted in thenation. The survey found that between 750,000 and 1.2 million Californiaadults are considered pathological or problem gamblers. “The legislationthat created the Office of Problem Gambling focused resources on preventionand research,” said Steve Hedrick, director of OPG. […]

US online gambling ban is protectionist, says EU official

The US is discriminating against foreign gambling companies by banningpayments to betting Web sites, said Charlie McCreevy, commissioner for theEuropean Union’s internal market. McCreevy told a panel of lawmakers onTuesday that the EU should complain to the US over the October 13 bar toonline gaming.McCreevy, who doesn’t have authority over external trade, said he’ll ask […]

Spokane gambling deal could benefit casinos in county

If other Washington tribes succeed in getting the liberalized gambling rulesthat are part of a new state agreement with the Spokane Indian Tribe, itcould set off a new round of expansion for the 25 Washington state tribalcasinos that generated about $1.2 billion in net receipts in 2006. In aprepared statement, Lummi Nation chairwoman Evelyn Jefferson […]

residents favor Bay State gambling, casino

The poll, conducted by the Center for Policy Analysis at the University ofMassachusetts Dartmouth, found 57 percent of respondents support theauthorization of a resort casino, 30 percent are opposed and 14 percent areundecided. The poll and behavioral survey of 1,041 Massachusetts residentswas conducted between September and November last year, according to theCFPA. When asked to […]