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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Gambling survey profiles N.H. casino gamblers

CONCORD, N.H. A survey finds about one-in-five New Hampshire residentsvisited Connecticut casinos in the past year. The figures released today bythe U-Mass-Dartmouth Center for Policy Analysis are part of a study of NewEngland residents’ attitudes toward gambling. In a survey of 220 NewHampshire residents between September and November last year, 19 percent ofrespondents said they’d […]

Symptoms of teenage gambling addict are obvious

As a mature Mohawk College student, as well as a parent, I was not shockedto see this article. I feel that because of the media, newspaper articles,and frequent television commercials, we should be prepared to deal with thisgambling phenomenon. Even within the bathroom stalls at the college, posterswarn students to take notice of their peers’ […]

Online Gambling: Are We All Gambling Criminals?

MILLIONS OF Americans have engaged in criminal behavior leading up totoday’s Super Bowl. You know who you are – those of you outside Nevada whoplaced bets on the Indianapolis Colts or Chicago Bears. It’s estimated thatabout $5 billion will be on the line this afternoon in a nation in whicheven office pools are technically illegal […]

Don’t wager on smoke-free gambling

Gamblers heading to the nonsmoking sections of Lincoln Park and NewportGrand might not be escaping the smoke after all. A study commissioned by aNew Jersey antismoking group shows significant levels of pollutants in thenonsmoking sections of the two gambling halls. At Lincoln Park, thenonsmoking area was found to be 39 percent as polluted as the […]


A new global initiative and international code of conduct to addressresponsible online gambling procedures is under discussion by the industryfollowing a top-level roundtable discussion held at a recent London tradeshow. The roundtable, convened by top software developer Microgaming,discussed the need to review what is currently being done by the industryand how a single common code […]

Gambling is not W.Va.’s answer

Gambling won’t save West Virginia, but it may drag it a little closer tohell. The juggernaut in favor of table games seems unstoppable, leading tofurther expansion of gambling in the state. Yes, revenues from the additionof table games will likely shore up the state’s coffers for a while, leadingto a sense of satisfaction among legislators […]

Malta supports raising standards

It was stated in the House of Lords that Malta supports the UK intention ofraising standards in on-line gambling. Lord Faulkner of Worcester asked HerMajesty’s Government whether they will make representations to the GamblingCommission to hold talks with gambling regulators in Gibraltar and Malta toensure that the standards of on-line gambling regulation in thosejurisdictions are […]

Gambling addicts face super temptation

A simple bet on which team will win today’s Super Bowl matchup between theChicago Bears and Indianapolis Colts won’t be enough for hard-core gamblers.Bookmakers are taking hundreds of side bets that range from choosing thewinner of the opening coin toss to picking the direction of the first errantfield goal, wide left or wide right. Wide […]

Gambling expansion won’t improve our way of life

The introduction of legislation that will greatly expand gambling in thestate has finally arrived, and I am firmly opposed to it. As a constructionworker, I could possibly personally benefit from all the new construction.However, as a resident of the state, the cost to our social services willfar outweigh any benefits. Our state lottery director is […]

Are we all gambling criminals?

MILLIONS OF Americans have engaged in criminal behavior leading up totoday’s Super Bowl. You know who you are – those of you outside Nevada whoplaced bets on the Indianapolis Colts or Chicago Bears. It’s estimated thatabout $5 billion will be on the line this afternoon in a nation in whicheven office pools are technically illegal […]

A Recipe To Promote State Goods, Fight Gambling

When Chris Armentano called Linda Piotrowicz with his cookbook idea, she wasimmediately enthused. What a great way to publicize Connecticut-grownagricultural products. And for Armentano, it could shed more light on thedangers of sports gambling. Collaborating, the two could serve bothpurposes. For the past 25 years, Armentano has been director of problemgambling treatment services for the […]

Study finds gambling by local teens is on the rise

With the increase in casinos, lottery games and TV coverage of professionalpoker tournaments, it’s not a surprise that the culture of gambling hasspread to teens.Now, there are data to support what local kids have been saying – that kidsin the mid-Hudson have increased gambling as much as teens across thecountry.A recent study of teen risk […]

Gambling Board Says No To Trump

The Pennsylvania Gambling Control Board has three words for Donald Trump onwhy he lost his bid to build a slots casino in Philadelphia: location,location, location. The board decided in December against licensing theproposed $350 million TrumpStreet Casino complex on the edge of NorthPhiladelphia. Instead, it approved projects on two riverfront parcels. OnThursday, the board disclosed […]

Governor’s bet on Indian gambling called unrealistic

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bet that the state could balance its budgetnext year with revenue from bigger Indian casinos is unrealistic, a reportreleased Friday by the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst said.Schwarzenegger’s proposal to let tribes install some 22,500 new slotmachines and then collect more than $500 million in new fees and taxes fromthem is critical to […]