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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

AFL hands down fines for illegal gambling

"The AFL has vowed to do 'everything in its power' to detect and punishplayers who gamble on football matches and warned that any future breachesof its anti-gambling rules will trigger automatic suspension. ".Confrontedwith the first examples of players who had flouted the AFL's anti-gamblingcode framed after the Shane Warne-Mark Waugh bookie scandal, the leagueresisted the […]

Goodwin cops $40,000 gambling fine

The AFL has vowed to do "everything in its power" to detect and punishplayers who gamble on football matches and warned that any future breachesof its anti-gambling rules will trigger automatic suspension. But inrevealing the penalties for four players caught betting on games lastseason, league football operations manager Adrian Anderson admittedinvestigators did not have access […]

Problem gambling to be topic of awareness campaign

Attorney General Charles Foti on Tuesday will present to the LouisianaAssociation on Compulsive Gambling a proclamation declaring the week ofMarch 5-11 National Problem Gambling Awareness Week in Louisiana. ProblemGambling affects more than 100,000 Louisiana families, and millions ofpeople nationwide, according to the association. In addition, the Office ofAddictive Disorders will announce its assistance in the […]

Players escape suspension following gambling probe

The AFL have decided not to suspend four players who were found to havegambled on league fixtures. A report handed down by AFL investigators AllanRoberts and Bill Kneebone found Simon Goodwin (Adelaide), Daniel Ward(Melbourne), David Hale (the Kangaroos) and Kieren Jack (Sydney) were notguilty of corrupt behaviour. However, all four players have been punishedwith Goodwin […]

Ward backed to beat AFL gambling demons

Melbourne believes Daniel Ward's naming, shaming and fining for breaking theAFL betting code could be the catalyst for him to shake his gamblingaddiction.Ward was one of four players sanctioned by the AFL for breaches of itsanti-gambling rules. The Demons defender was fined $10,000, half of whichwas suspended to be invoked should he re-offend. Ward was […]

Industry leaders criticise level of gambling licence fees

Industry leaders have expressed disappointment at the high level of gamblinglicence fees set by the Government. The Gambling (Premises Licence) (Fees)Regulations 2007, tabled in Parliament on 21 February, shows only a modestdecrease from the fees proposed in last year, which were labelled"preposterous" by Business in Sport and Leisure (BISL). Premises licencefees for gambling will be […]

3GSM Good News for Mobile Gambling —’s Mobile Games Manager Liked What He Saw in Barcelona

For pioneering mobile gambling operator, news at the recent3GSM mobile conference in Barcelona was all good. Developing technologiesare making it easier, cheaper and more fun to play casino games like slotmachines on mobile phones and that puts a smile on the face of JohnLancelet, Mobile Games Director at There was a lot to […]

Alberta gambling: A dubious bet?

Wanna make a bet? How about a wager that gamblers would get better odds fromlegal sports books in Nevada than from Canada's provincially sponsored SportSelect lottery? Well, don't take the bet. The fact is, Las Vegas pays muchbetter on its sports bets than the Alberta-sponsored lottery, according toan in-depth report into sports and gambling by […]

Catholic schools continuing with fundraising as departure of archbishop leaves issue up in the air

A decision on whether Catholic schools should get funding from the proceedsof gambling is hanging in limbo. Catholic school board spokesman Lori Nagysaid yesterday that debate on the issue was halted when Edmonton ArchbishopTom Collins was reassigned to another diocese. "We did have a discussionwith (Archbishop Collins) initially about it," Nagy said. "Right after that,he […]

Bouchard saw gambling grow and chose to speak out

Seeing licensed gambling establishments popping up in the St. Paul Diocese,Bishop Luc Bouchard decided to speak out. "If the bishop doesn't do it, whowill?" Bouchard told the WCR. On Ash Wednesday, Bouchard issued a 2,800-wordpastoral letter on legalized gambling, tracing its rather innocentbeginnings in Alberta to its development as a billion-dollar boon forprovincial coffers – […]

Online Gambling Prohibition: Lessons From the ‘War on Drugs’

Vices are as American as apple pie – tobacco, alcohol, gambling, pornographyand many others absolutely saturate today's society. Just as prevalent aregovernment policies to control them. Laws crafted to regulate the salaciousappetite of the public are among the most controversial public policies –take the American alcohol prohibition failure as a prime example. Onlinegamblers today find […]

Chris Colombo convicted of gambling charges

Chris Colombo's lawyer made no bones about it right from Day One: Colombo isyour basic gambler from Blooming Grove who only dresses like a gangster –and a TV gangster at that. Yesterday, a federal jury agreed. But convictingColombo of gambling charges was about the only agreement that the juryreached after three weeks of deliberations. The […]

Gambling beyond Nevada: Partnership called suitable

Nevada gaming regulators said Tuesday that MGM Mirage's 50-50 partnershipwith Chinese businesswoman Pansy Ho in an under-construction hotel-casino inMacau was suitable under the state's regulations covering investmentsoutside the Silver State. After a hearing that lasted more than five hours,the Gaming Control Board unanimously approved the arrangement in which MGMMirage will own 50 percent of a […]

Sedgwick County Joins Gambling Coalition

After a lot of questions, Sedgwick County agrees to be a part of a coalitionto include south central Kansas in expanded gambling discussions. Fivecounties are considering this coalition: Sedgwick, Harvey, Sumner, Cowleyand Kingman. On Wednesday, Sedgwick County Commissioners questioned what itmeans to be a part of the group, which will be known as the South […]