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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Table Gambling Bill Time Limited

Reports during the weekend that Pennsylvania officials may allow operatorsof video gambling casinos to install what amounts to virtual table gamblingmake it clear that West Virginia legislators need to act on real tablegambling this week. Video gambling is just now coming on line in theKeystone State. Officials at West Virginia racetracks – where thousands ofvideo […]

Casino gambling is poor bet

"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walkaway, know when to run," as the classic Kenny Rogers tune goes. SouthCoastresidents should run from any notion of organized casino gambling in theirmidst as proposed by New Bedford City Councilor David Alves. Mr. Alves andcountless others, including, possibly, Gov. […]

Is Macau a safe bet?

Chinese businessman Cao Yanglin let his lunch of slow-cooked beef rib withtruffle puree and lemon cream sauce go cold as he talked about his gamblingspree the night before at the baccarat tables in Macau – the world's newepicenter for gambling. The 58-year-old property developer said he won$3,840 at the Las Vegas-style Wynn Macau casino hotel, […]

Internet Gambling the fastest-growing industry

Internet gambling is the fastest-growing area of gambling, and it is worthbillions of dollars annually. Its popularity lies in a number of factors,most obviously its convenience to the online user, as it allows the customerto play their choice of game from the comfort of their own home. The resultof this is that new Internet gambling […]

California gambling on losing streak

The state-run lottery has run out of luck with its in-state lotto andcontroversial participation in multistate Mega Millions, suffering a droughtof big jackpots, and is being forced to cut allocations to schools – $136million less than last year. At the same time, a new study indicatingtaxpayers may be the biggest losers in the California gambling […]

Angeles raid a test case for war on Net gambling

The government's campaign against the proliferation of illegal Internetgambling activities hangs in the balance as a judge in Angeles City todayhears the motion for reconsideration on the quashing of the search warrantused to raid an alleged illegal Internet gambling operation in a hangar inClark Field in Pampanga last year.The National Bureau of Investigation, on behalf […]

Dagestan bans gambling

The parliament of Dagestan has passed a bill banning gambling. The bill waspassed in line with the federal law dated December 29, 2006 on stateregulation of organizing gambling. As of July 1, 2007 it prohibits gamblingin the territory of Dagestan. In March 2005, the imams of Makhachkala urgedthe owners of saunas, nightclubs, casinos and gambling […]

Smoke-Free Gambling Site Thrives Amid Debate on Ban

In a vast, dimly lit room with a low ceiling and frosted glass chandeliers –but without the scent or sight of a smoky haze – video lottery terminals arearrayed in ranks like soldiers. "I used to go to Atlantic City and I hatedit when people would sit next to me smoking a cigarette," said RosaRodriguez […]

Casinos should pay price for gambling addictions

ACalifornia Senate committee recently learned that while many of us love togamble, quite a few suffer from addiction as casinos empty their pockets.The state's legal gambling operations make $13 billion a year – and rising –yet such operations put no money into assisting those with gamblingproblems, including addiction. The committee also learned some disturbingfacts – […]

Online Gambling: BestLine Sports Looks to Capitalize

BestLine Sports is positioning itself as one of the leading online gamblingestablishments in the world of sports betting for North American sportingenthusiasts as they capitalize on a void left by its competitors. Once asmall niche book, BestLine Sports (see website here) since the start of thenew year has transformed itself by taking over a nice […]

Authorities Crack Down On Illegal Gambling

The district attorney is making it harder for illegal gambling to take placein Allegheny County. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that 400 videopoker machines were confiscated during raids throughout the week. State,local, county police and the liquor control board said they are targetingorganized criminal activity, but have not made any arrests in connectionwith the poker machines. […]

Any bets on when Catholic board’s gambling habit will end?

Calgary Catholic schools are back where they started. Those Catholic schoolscurrently raising cash through gambling still don't have a date to stopsucking up casino and bingo bucks after a school board task force couldn'tcome to a decision. But Catholic school board chair Cathie Williams says theboard will now huddle and decide on a date later […]

Club owner gets probation in gambling case

The two-year saga surrounding a $100,000 Super Bowl pool ended Friday withthe co-owner of the Legacy Supper Club placed on probation for one year ongambling charges. Mary Blair, 54, appeared before Outagamie County CircuitJudge John Des Jardins on twin charges of permitting premises to be used forgambling and placing a bet. Des Jardins endorsed a […]

Iowa gambling regulators agree to delay on expansion

State gambling regulators have agreed to delay until next year a debate onwhether to issue new licenses allowing additional casinos in the state. TheIowa Racing and Gaming Commission decided unanimously Thursday that moretime is needed to assess the financial performance of four new casinos thatwere granted licenses in 2005 before deciding if the state can […]