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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Legislator expects debate on expanded gambling

House Federal and State Committee Chairman Arlen Siegfreid, R-Olathe, saidWednesday that one way or the other, this year the chamber will debateexpanded gambling. This week, Siegfreid's committee is hearing fromsupporters and opponents of three bills. One pushed by the gambling industrycalls for casinos and slot machines at pari-mutuel race tracks, anotherallows casinos in counties that […]

House committee to study gambling bills

A key state legislator Thursday upped the ante on casino gambling byoffering a bill to allow casinos and lower property taxes. "Good times havecome back and we need to start sharing those revenues again," said stateRep. Arlen Siegfreid, R-Olathe, chairman of the House Federal and StateAffairs Committee. Siegfreid's committee started hearings Friday on variousproposals to […]

New Gambling Rules Reveal Government Double Standards

The Evangelical Alliance, representing more than a million evangelicals inthe UK, has spoken out against the consistency of the government's stance inkey issues currently being debated in the UK. "New liberalised gamblingadvertising rules fly in the face of the Government's position on cigaretteadvertising and the debate around advertising unhealthy food to children",the Evangelical Alliance has […]

Revised gambling compacts win final legislative approval

Lawmakers have approved new gambling agreements with Indian tribes that willincrease the state's share of tribal casinos in exchange for extending theterm of compacts for 30 years. The House voted 53-16 on Wednesday to endorsethe gambling compacts negotiated by Gov. Bill Richardson and tribalrepresentatives. The Senate approved the agreements a day earlier. The nextstep is […]

SMU gets grant to study gambling

Saint Mary's University researchers have received $345,000 from the NovaScotia Gaming Corp. to study the impact of gambling on teens. "Our researchis aimed at uncovering the common themes coming from youth concerning thecommercial advertising of gambling and its impact on their perceptions ofgambling and their play behaviours," John McMullan, a sociology andcriminology professor who's the […]

Police break up illegal gambling raid

An Indiana State trooper is in trouble, caught in the middle of a policeraid. The raid happened Tuesday night in the 3900 block of Pendleton Way onthe northeast side. Police say what might look like a legitimate businesswas actually an illegal Texas Hold'Em operation with $100 and $500 tables.Tuesday night, an off-duty state police officer […]


1. Have there ever been periods lasting 2 weeks or longer when you spent alot of time thinking about your gambling experiences, planning out futuregambling ventures or bets, or thinking about ways of getting money to gamblewith? Yes/No 2. Have there ever been periods when you needed to gamble withincreasing amounts of money or with […]

Senate approves gambling compact

The Senate has approved a new state-tribal gambling compact that would lastuntil 2037 and boost the state's share of the profits from Indian casinos.The proposal was approved Tuesday on a vote of 27-14. It also has to beendorsed by the House before Gov. Bill Richardson and the tribes could signthe new agreements they negotiated. They […]


Reporting the theft of a large sum of money to the police, yet being unableto explain the source of the money in the first place led to a major onlinegambling bust in China, reports the Shanghai Daily this week. A Chinesecourt has sentenced six members of an online gambling operation in Shanghaito heavy punishments this […]

Confusing positions on varieties of gambling

I'm really confused by Gov. Mitch Daniels. On one hand he says he won'tallow slot machines at racetracks because he doesn't want to encourage moregambling in the state. Then he turns around and wants to privatize thelottery, which would have to increase gambling to make a profit. Want to betI'm not the only one confused?

Local colleges say student gambling not major problem here

Gambling on campus has become a social event at fraternities and dormitoriesalike – even a "study break" for some – as one recent University ofPennsylvania graduate put it. Although gambling, particularly online, hasgrown rapidly in recent years, local universities say problems related tostudent gaming are few. At Temple University's counseling center, "gamblingaddiction issues are actually […]

UK Gambling Advertising Ban Lifted

A ban on TV adverts for gambling is being lifted under new laws. Casinos,betting shops and online gambling sites will be able to advertise ontelevision for the first time but the commercials must comply with a codewhich aims to ensure they are "socially responsible". This means the advertsmust not imply gambling can be a solution […]

Laudatory report misstates conclusions on gambling

The Another Voice column that appeared in the Feb. 28 Buffalo News byJonathan Taylor, hired by the Seneca Gaming Corp. to produce an economicreport, misleads. Taylor claims that studies commissioned by the NationalGambling Impact Study Commission "concluded that economic benefits greatlyexceed costs." In support of this claim, Taylor cites a study by Adam Rose.However, Rose […]

Patrick keeps options open on gambling

In another sign that he is seriously considering casino gambling as a readysource of cash for state government, Gov. Deval Patrick met separatelyyesterday with groups of state legislators on both sides of the issue.''He's really trying to get a handle on it and make some decisions and goforward,'' Sen. Joan M. Menard, D-Fall River, said […]