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Category Archives: Gambling News & Events

Kansas gambling debate set for Friday

Casinos and slot machines are again front and center in the KansasLegislature, and their fate – for this year anyway – could be decidedFriday. Frustrated pro-gambling lawmakers forced the issue into the openWednesday, getting it to the House floor. Debate on three bills is set forFriday. "I expect it to be a full-body fight," said […]

Gambling illegal? Don’t bet on it

I'll see Kim Meltzer's ante and raise her the repeal of state-sponsoredhypocrisy. The state House member from Clinton Township this week proposedthat the state decriminalize NCAA office pools. "What makes March Madnessunique is that all kinds of people and sports fans of all levels fill outtheir brackets and enjoy the tournament," she said. "It's a […]

EU criticises Dutch gambling policy

The European Commission is not satisfied with the Dutch government's defenceof its policy regarding sports betting. The Commission is asking The Haguetoday for more information, sources in Brussels told the FinancieeleDagblad. The restrictive gambling policy in the Netherlands gives the Lottocompany exclusive permission to run sports betting. European Commissionerfor the Internal Market Charlie McCreevy already […]

Gambling Commission to file charges against Hells Angels member

The Washington State Gambling Commission is filing charges against a HellsAngels member working at a Spokane Valley casino. Frank Nakayama wasphotographed during a raid of the Hells Angels club house in Spokane in2006. Nakayama says he quit the club and is working security at Ringo's CardRoom on east Sprague. An anonymous tip to the Gambling […]

Lawmakers consider fixes to ban on antique gambling seizure

A House committee heard testimony Wednesday but took no action on a bill toallow businesses to sell up to three antique, now-illegal gambling devicesin a year without a state license. Sen. Verdell Jackson, R-Kalispell, saidthe Senate Business and Labor Committee members collaborated on the bill.They wrote it after reading about the uproar that arose after […]

Asian Team Marks Launch of Gambling Campaign

A performance by a Korean cultural group will open an event to mark thelaunch of a campaign to prevent problem gambling at the Fickling Centre inMt Roskill at 2pm on Friday. The event organized by the Problem GamblingFoundation Asian Team precedes a national campaign which kicks off thisSunday ( 25 March ) with a 30 […]

Colwood attempting to turn tables on gambling addiction

Gambling provides big revenue to municipalities with casinos. Butpoliticians in Colwood also worry about the social problems that accompanygambling. That is why the municipality decided last week to join the B.C.Partnership for Responsible Gambling. The partnership, a product of the B.C.Lottery Corporation, brings together casinos and municipalities like Colwoodthat benefit from casino revenue, to look […]

Proximity of casinos or slots worsens gambling problems

The number of problem gamblers doubles within a 50-mile radius of a casinoor slot machine parlor once one is built, according to a professor andproblem gambling expert speaking Wednesday in Waterville. Gambling might begood for the economy, but it can have devastating effects on gamblers whopotentially could lose everything, said Thomas Broffman, an assistantprofessor at […]

Internet gambling charges settled

The Saint Landry Parish District Attorney's Office says Internet gamblingcharges against an executive with a British company have been dismissed inexchange for 400,000 dollars after extradition issues left the case nearlyimpossible to prosecute. State police, working with Saint Landryprosecutors, had secure warrants in May in an investigation that focused onSportingbet PLC, a company that operates […]

UK gambling firms bemoan budget tax deal

Britain's gambling firms and casino operators were left disappointed byWednesday's budget after Finance Minister Gordon Brown slapped higher tax onlarge casinos and did little to tempt Internet gambling onshore. Internetgambling firms looking to locate back to Britain from tax havens such asGibraltar and Cyprus were dismayed after Brown set the Remote Gaming Duty inline with […]

County challenges tribe’s gambling plans

Amador County is challenging a group that plans a casino in the Plymoutharea, questioning whether it qualifies as a legitimate American Indiantribe.County officials fear another casino would usher in a wave of traffic,environmental destruction and gambling addiction. They say the U.S.Department of Interior was wrong to list the Ione Band of Miwok Indians as afederally […]

Commission issues final gambling warning

The European commission is to intensify its legal action against Denmark,Finland, Hungary and Sweden in an effort to open the gambling market acrossthe entire European Union, Reuters quoted unnamed sources as saying onTuesday. A source told the news agency that the commission was "making finalenquiries" in relation to Germany and the Netherlands. The warning is […]

Flandreau Sioux Tribe sues state on gambling compact

The Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe has filed a federal lawsuit alleging thatGov. Mike Rounds and other state officials have unfairly prevented the tribefrom adding more slot machines at its casino in Flandreau. The lawsuitalleges that the state has negotiated in bad faith as the tribe pursues alonger gambling compact that allows more slot machines. The […]

Can Turkey Prevent Online Gambling?

Online casinos have conquered the world, and Turkey is no exception. It hasbeen determined that approximately $ 2 million is spent on online gamblingthrough credit card transactions in Turkey. Turkish authorities, however,were not happy with the spread of online gambling in the country and theGovernment decided to stop its citizens from accessing and playing on […]