Sports gambling odds
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 15, 2006
Sports gambling odds
There is a lot of gambling on this planet. You might be
unfamiliar with lottery wheels. A problem in
combinatory, buy n tickets for a lottery so that atleast
one of the tickets will match three numbers. The typical
payoff for machining is there. Most of the gambling
theses days are a lack of creativity. Gambling varies
from state to state, and country to country.
Some interesting facts
Seven of 10 U.S. adults placed some sort of wager in
the last year.
According to the NCAA, 35% of male collage students
bet on sports.
$600 billion changed hands last year worldwide
because of gambling.
The online gambling industry generated $12 million
in revenue in 2005.
Online sports’ betting is estimated to be 5 times
bigger than Las Vegas sports betting. Illegal
sports betting are estimated to be 35 times bigger
than Nevada.
Over 20 gambling companies are listed on non-U.S.
stock exchanges. The bigger poker company has a
market value of almost $9 billion. The biggest
sports betting company has a market company value of
almost $3 billion.
The biggest sportsbook employee over 2,000 people
during football betting.
The MGM-Mirage has publicly lobbied to allow U.S.
companies to take part in online gambling.
Gambling is entering mainstream corporate America is
finalizing the purchase of fun technologies, which
owns a majority interest in the Don best sports
information company.
Compulsive gambling
gambling can be
progressive disorder causing a psychologically
uncontrollable preoccupation and urge to gamble.
Individuals eventually lose the ability to control the
impulsive to gamble. This result in excessive gambling
which can be compromise, disrupt or damage personal,
family or employment pursuits. American Psychiatric
Association as an impulsive control disorder recognizes
it. Gambling is any betting or wagering for oneself or
others, whether for money or not no matter how slight or
significant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends
on skill or chance.
Gambling odds
The likelihood of an outcome occurring is stated in
number form. The straight up outcome is typically the
basis of the wager, without regard to a point spread.
Odds are often stated as moneyline. Odds are strictly on
the straight-up game outcome with no consideration for
money spread. More money must be risked to bet the
better team, less money on the weaker team.

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