Gambling Line
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 9, 2006
The system of sport gambling:
The system of sport generally refers to
a set of events that when combined for a particular game
for a particular sport represents a profitable betting
scenario. The sport books involves a system in their
analysis to set more accurate odds in order to make any
gambler think that using a system will always work, it
is the general consensus that at some point, the odds
maker will have adjusted for the system to make it no
longer profitable. Those systems that are meant for
survival for a very short period of time are known as
About gambling odds:
According to the probability theory and statistics the
odds in favor of an event or a proposition are the
quantity p / (1 − p), where p is the probability of the
event or proposition. For example, if one chooses a
random day of the week, then the odds that they would
choose a Sunday would be 1/6, not 1/7. The logarithm of
the odds is the logic of the probability. Generally odds
have long been the standard way of representing
probability used by bookmakers, though the method of
presenting odds varies by location
About gambling in money line:
Gambling Money line odds are favored by
American bookmakers. There are two possibilities are the
figure quote can be either positive or negative. Money
line odds are often referred to as American odds. Money
line refers to odds on the straight-up outcome of a game
with no consideration to a point spread. If the figure
quoted is positive, the odds are quoting how much money
will be won on a $100 wager (this is done if the odds
are better than even). Even odds are quoted as $100.
Fractional odds of 4/1 would be quoted as $400, while
fractional odds of ¼ could not be quoted as a positive
figure. If the figure quoted is negative, then the money
line odds are quoting how much money must be wagered to
win $100 (this is done if the odds are worse than even).
Even odds are quoted as -$100. Fractional odds of ¼
would be quoted as -$400, however fractional odds of 4/1
could not be quoted as a negative figure.

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