Sport Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 8, 2006
Sport gambling industry
Sports betting is the general activity of predicting
sport in sport gambling industry results by making a
wager on the outcome of a sporting event. Perhaps more
so than other forms of gambling and the legality and
general acceptance of sports betting varies from nation
to nation. sports gambling is generally forbidden, while
in many European nations, bookmaking is regarded as an
honorable occupation and while highly regulated, is not
criminalized. Proponents of legalized sports betting
generally regard it as a hobby for sports fans that
increases their interest in particular sporting events,
thus benefiting the leagues, teams and players they bet
on through higher attendances and television audiences
through out. Opponents fear that, over and above the
general ramifications of gambling, it threatens the
integrity of amateur and professional sports, the
history of which includes numerous attempts by sports
gamblers to fix matches although proponents counter that
legitimate bookmakers will invariably fight corruption
just as fiercely as governing bodies and law enforcement
do. These gives a boom to
sport gambling
industry all over.
Types of sport gambling
Aside from simple wagers, betting a friend that one's
favorite basketball team will win its division, like
buying a football square for the super bowl. sports
betting is commonly done through a bookmaker. Legal
sports bookmakers exist throughout the world. In areas
where sports betting is illegal, bettors usually make
their sports wagers with illicit bookmakers. It is done
on the net, where thousands of online bookmakers accept
wagers on sporting events around the world. The
bookmaker earns a commission by regarding the money at
risk as less than the size of the bet placed. These
things make the sport gambling industry so popular and a
good source of money making in very limited period.
Whatever people’s beliefs, one thing looks fairly
certain at this point and that is that the sport
gambling industry has been in existence for over two
thousand years and is unlikely to disappear as time goes
on. On the contrary, gambling and the sport gambling
industry look set to increase and expand as people in
the west are finding more time for leisure and more
money to spend on it.
Risk in
sport gambling industry
Sports gambling can also be an addictive
pastime and pathological gambling is an illness and the
American Psychiatric Society recognizes it. The sport
gambling industry has had to fight hard to defend itself
against criticism from those who hold it accountable for
the destruction of pathological gamblers lives. In its
defense, the sport gambling industries have used its own
funds to research and provide assistance to problem
gamblers and also claim that sport gambling is a
recreation and not a sin. Everyone has a right to spend
their own money in whatever way they choose and resent
authorities telling them how they should spend it.

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