Solutions to legalize gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Nov 4, 2006
The present scenario of online gambling:
With the advent of computers and the take over of
internet in our everyday lives online gambling has only
emerged but has also been an integral part of gambling
and gamblers both. The internet has really modernized
the whole concept of gambling. The internet gambling
industry has really grown astronomically in the past few
years there are hundreds of thousands of sites dedicated
to baccarat, blackjack, poker, roulette and slot
machines have been developed and exists only a mouse
click away. However if considered from the legalization
point of view can be considered as nothing short of a
mess. The only issue in this regard that has been dealt
and addressed properly and by law is the matter of
online sport betting. However there is an issue on the
horizon of internet gambling that stands to redefine the
definition of internet gambling in many serious ways.
His issue is centered on the legalization of internet
gambling, which still continues to be a matter of debate
or a controversial issue in many parts of the world
including the United States.
for legalization of gambling:
According to the Federal Wire line Act it is clearly
stated that in the United States gambling through the
internet is illegal. This act also outlaws intestate
gambling by way of wired instruments or telephone. But
still online
gambling is on the rise. On of the basic reasons
behind this fact is that all Americans love to gamble.
There are very few who regards it as an immoral
activity. Studies have shown that in the year 1995
almost 56% of the American s has involved themselves in
some sort of gambling act, which rose to 25% higher in
the year 1998 showing that Americans pay little heed to
anti gambling laws. Americans have already shown that
they support the nascent Internet gambling industry
regardless of its morality. It has also been analyzed
that out of the $ 1 billion in revenues that have been
generated from internet gambling in 1997, more than $
600 came from the United States. Considering all these
points it is better understood that there is no point in
the prohibition of online gambling. Legalization is and
will be a better solution in this case rather than

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