Michigan Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
Oct 3, 2006
Gambling in Michigan:
In US gambling is popular
everywhere, it does not matter whether you are in
Michigan or Las Vegas. Americans are crazy for gambling
and in each state people gambled in billion every year.
In Michigan adults legally wager $5 billion annually and
lose more than $1 billion according to the Western
Michigan University’s report. In the year 1933 gambling
was legalized in Michigan with pari-mutuel horse racing
which was followed by introduction of state lottery in
1972. Tribal gaming joined the field of gambling in the
year 1980 and where non-tribal casinos were legalized in
Michigan in 1996.
Okay, now lets ready to gamble in Michigan. Followings
are the gambling activity which readily available in
Casino Gambling:
Michigan is famous for casino gambling. It is a big
business for Michigan and govt. earn huge revenue every
year from gambling activity.
Indian Gambling and Detroit Casinos are the
two groups who operate Michigan casino gambling
Indian Gambling:
In 1993 governor of Michigan gave permission to
Indian tribes to run casino in Michigan.
Michigan currently has 16 Indian casinos operated by
seven tribes. Governor allowed the tribes to operate
"class III" casinos, in which they are permitted to
offer slot machines, video poker, and all other
"casino style" games. So you have plenty of options
to gambling in Indian casino in Michigan.
Detroit Casinos:
Detroit is the largest city of Michigan where in
1996 three casinos were established to operate
gambling. You will find maximum number casino in
Detroit compare to any other city in Michigan
with 6 slots and video poker terminals, plus 15
table games.
State Lottery:
Michigan has only one source of gambling revenue that is
state lottery. It was introduced under Public Act 239 of
1972. Revenue collected from lottery used in State
School Aid Fund.
Horse Racing:
You have six gambling racetracks options in Michigan.
This is the oldest form of gambling activity in
Michigan. Earlier horse racing was very popular in
Michigan. But due to increasing number of casino in the
state horse racing market sharply cut down.
Charitable Gambling:
Charitable gambling is also famous in
Non-profits organizations are allowed to sponsored
bingo, raffles, Las Vegas nights and break open tickets
for collection of fund.
Religious, veterans’, fraternal, education, senior
citizen, and service groups, as well as political
committees may qualify to run fund-raising events using
these games. But charitable gambling also loses its
popularity due to increasing number of Indian casino and
Detroit casino.

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