Gambling Chips
Chipped Off!!
by Jerry "Jet"
June 28, 2006
Gambling as a game has a great following. People get
attracted to gambling due to the glamour that it has.
People feel that gambling can win them huge money in
quick time. However, there are some other things too
that attract people to gambling. The exciting and risky
nature of the sport, the highs and lows of it and its
unpredictability draws people to gambling. Gambling
equipments too draw people to the game.
Chips of Gambling
Though it sounds frivolous, gambling equipments do
attract people to play the sport. The colourful and
glossy equipments do make a pretty sight. Of these
gambling equipments, the gambling chips form an
extremely important part. These chips are so important
that without them, it is not possible for anyone to
gamble. Initially, these chips were treated as just a
part of the game and were seldom paid any attention.
Earlier, the gambling chips used to be plain and without
much fanfare. The manufacturers did not think of making
these gambling chips attractive or have any artistic
touch to these chips. However as times changed people
realized the importance of these chips. They realized
that since these chips constitute such an important
part. They thought of making them look striking and
beautiful. Thus chips came to be made with different
intricate and wonderful designs. Such chips immediately
caught the attention of the players. Thus the players
too felt better and had more fun playing with such
beautiful chips.
Different Chip Designs
Gambling chips are made of several designs which make
them look unique. Some of the most popular and widely
used chip designs are as follows:
1) Chips
are made of designs which advertise upcoming gambling
tournaments or any other events.
2) They
also have pictures of beautiful looking models which
attract several gambling players.
3) Gambling
chips are also made of several metals like aluminium or
any other metals. Such chips are made of metals which
are used in the centre portion of the chips.
4) Chips
are made of different colours ar textures to give them a
very unique feel.
These are just some of the designs which are popular
among gambling chips. However, there are several other
designs especially customized according to the player’s
wants. Thus like the sport of gambling, the
chips of gambling
too have their share of glamour.

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