Stop Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
June 24, 2006
Gambling is as old as civilization on the planet. It is
usually in pursuit of entertainment that man takes to
gambling. The sheer thrill of staking something precious
in order to win more than what is wagered is enough for
many but then there is the perpetual dreamer who
believes that he can predict the outcome of the wager by
computing some formula and in the bargain hoping to get
rich quick. The fact of the matter is that gambling is
purely speculative in nature and there is no way of
predicting the outcome of the game. It is mainly chance
that any one ever wins at gambling, a fact that few
gamblers have come to accept.
Compulsive gambling:
Compulsive gambling is better accepted as an illness of
the mind. Mostly progressive in nature with no known
cure but can be arrested in its path of progress. Most
compulsive gamblers think of themselves as being morally
weak, but in fact they are very sick people who can
recover only if they follow a simple program to the best
of their ability. The first thing a compulsive gambler
needs to do to stop gambling is to accept the fact that
he or she is ill and understands the need to get well in
order to avoid total self destruction. If a compulsive
gambler does not face the fact that he or she is sick
the program is sure to fail.
Can a compulsive gambler go back to normal gambling?
The answer to that question is obviously ‘no’. Sooner or
later the compulsion will strike again. Once the gambler
steps into irresponsible, uncontrolled gambling there
will be no turning back. It is believed that most
problem gamblers would abstain from gambling for long
stretches of time, but when they are caught off guard
they take to gambling with out a thought of the many
consequences their will power eventually gives way to
some silly reason for placing the bet. Gamblers who have
taken to spiritual principles to aid them abstain from
gambling has tided them over more than the power or
reasoning and will power.
Gamblers Anonymous:
There are many gamblers anonymous organizations setup to
help compulsive gamblers through out the world. Gamblers
anonymous help gamblers by bringing about a character
change in the gambler. Having faith and following the
concepts of the Gamblers Anonymous Recovery Program
accomplishes this. It must be acknowledged that there
are no short cuts to gaining this faith and
understanding. To recover from one of the most
compulsive addictions would require industrious effort.
Honesty, open mindedness, and willingness are the key
words in recovering from a compulsive

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