What is Gambling
by Jerry "Jet"
April 27, 2006
Gambling had many
different meanings depending on the cultural and
historical context in which it is used. Currently, in
western society, it generally has an economic definition
and meaning and typically refers to wagering money or
something of material value on something with an
uncertain outcome in hope of winning additional money or
material goods.
Four Dimensions: Gambling
There are four dimension
of wagering first, what is being wagered (money or
material goods).second How much is being wagered. Third
the predictability of the event. For some things such as
lotteries, slot machines and bingo, the results are
random and unpredictable. No skill or system will give
you any advantage. For other things such as sports
betting and horse, racing there is some predictability
to the outcome. In this situation greater knowledge and
skill gives a person an advantage over other bettors.
Fourth the 'expected value', the positive or negative
mathematical expectation.
Psychological aspects
Though many participate
in gambling as a form of recreation or even as a means
to gain an income, gambling, is like any behavior which
involves variation in brain chemistry, can become a
psychologically addictive and harmful behavior in some
people. Reinforcement of this phenomenon may also make
gamblers persist in gambling even after repeated losses.
Because of the negative connotations of the word
"gambling", casinos and racetracks often use the
euphemism "gaming" to describe the recreational gambling
activities, which they offer.
Legal aspects
Because religious
authorities generally frown on gambling to some extent,
and because of various perceived social costs, most
legal jurisdictions censure gambling to some of the
extent. Islamic nations officially prohibit
gambling; but
most other countries regulate it. In particular, in the
majority of circumstance and perhaps all cases the law
does not recognize wagers as contracts, and views any
consequent losses as debts of honour, unenforceable by
the legal process. Thus, organized crime often takes
over the enforcement of large gambling debts, sometimes
using violent methods.
Because contracts of insurance have many features in
common with wagers, legislation generally makes a
distinction, typically defining any agreement in which
either one of the parties has an interest in the outcome
bet upon the other, beyond the specific financial terms,
as a contract of insurance.
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